
Jorge Ramos Pulled Out Video of Kids Eating Garbage from Trucks When Socialist Tyrant Maduro Had Him Detained (VIDEO)

- Februari 26, 2019

Univision reported Monday night that their anchor Jorge Ramos and his staff were being held by the Socialist Venezuelan regime at the Miraflores Palace in Caracas.

Jorge Ramos, a US citizen and Mexican citizen, was held after his interview with Nicaolas Maduro and after filming Venezuelans in the Socialist regime eating garbage from trucks.

On Tuesday morning Varney and Co. reported the socialist tyrant Nicolas Maduro was upset with Ramos after he pulled up video of people eating garbage from trucks.

The post Jorge Ramos Pulled Out Video of Kids Eating Garbage from Trucks When Socialist Tyrant Maduro Had Him Detained (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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