
Maryland Democrat Apologizes for Calling County a “N***er District”

- Februari 27, 2019

If you’re wondering if Democrats could suffer any more blows to their oh-so-stellar reputations as the least racist people in the world, you were oh-so-wrong.

According to the Daily Caller, Maryland Democrat Del. Mary Ann Lisanti had to come before Maryland’s Legislative Black Caucus on Monday and beg forgiveness for referring to a county as a “n***er district” while at a cigar bar late one night with a colleague earlier this month.

Del. Darryl Barnes, who leads the Black Caucus, listened to her apology but wasn’t fully convinced she wasn’t fully repentant according to the Daily Caller:

“She apologized several times,” Barnes, a Democrat, said. “She recognizes how she has hurt so many within the caucus, and she hoped to repent from this. She said that she doesn’t remember fully what happened, but she recognizes what happened.”

“I do think that someone who uses the word, it’s a reflection of what’s in their heart,” Barnes said.

Maryland Democratic House Speaker Michael E. Busch also condemned the comments, stating that “there is no place in the House of Delegates for any racial slurs — or slurs of any kind in society in general” and that Lisanti should “face the consequences of her behavior.”

What those consequences are, he doesn’t appear to have mentioned, but Barnes noted that his caucus could give House leadership recommendations as to Lisanti’s position within the House.

Lisanti joins Gov. Ralph Northam of Virginia and his Attorney General Mark Herring, who both wore blackface in the past. She also joins Sen. Elizabeth Warren who pretended to be a minority for a very long time for self-benefit and can now be found prostrating at every minority centered issue that comes up.

It would appear that when it comes to tossing around the accusation of racism, once again Democrats have proven that they have no leg to stand on.


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