
MORE LIES: Democrat Gov. Northam Fabricated His Desert Storm War Experiences in 2017 Campaign

- Februari 04, 2019

A picture from Democrat Virginia Governor Ralph Northam’s medical school yearbook surfaced on Friday showing two men, one in a KKK hood and robe and one in ‘blackface’ on the same page as Northam.

The photo was first published by Big League Politics on Friday and later confirmed by other outlets such as WaPo and The Virginian Pilot.

One half of the page shows Ralph Northam wearing a suit jacket and a tie, a photo of him in a cowboy hat and boots and another of him leaning up against a convertible.

On Saturday Governor Ralph Northam said the photo was not of him and Friday was the first time he saw the photo in blackface.

Northam refuses to resign for the racist photographs.

Now this…
Democrat Governor Ralph Northam tried to fool voters into thinking he served in Operation Desert Storm to play gun control games.
The man is a liar.

The late Jonn Lilyea reported this in 2017 at This Ain’t Hell.

The Lieutenant Governor of Virginia, Ralph Northam, doesn’t like guns, more accurately, he doesn’t like that you have guns. He likes to tell his constituents that he grew up on the Eastern shore, so that means that he’s just like you – he hunts, so guns are his friends. But he hasn’t seen a gun control measure in the legislature that he won’t vote for.

His favorite line when talking about gun control is explaining to people that he treated “assault weapon” victims as a doctor in the Army during Desert Storm.

As an Army veteran and a doctor—and an Eastern Shore native who grew up hunting—Ralph knows the damage weapons can do. That’s why he’s been a staunch advocate for commonsense gun safety laws since his time in the state senate.

I witnessed the damage these guns can do firsthand as an Army doctor during the First Gulf War.

I’m not sure how many wounded soldiers he treated though. He was a child neurologist working at the Army’s Landstuhl Hospital in Germany. The way I understand neurologists, they treat brain diseases not gunshot wounds. It looks like he specialized in child neurology before, during and after the time he was at Landstuhl.

I know that Landstuhl played an important part during the latest wars in the Middle East as the hospital that treated casualties evacuated from Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, etc… At the time of Desert Storm, however, the 97th General Hospital in Frankfort was the primary hospital for evacuated casualties. The 97th closed in June 1992.

Now, he didn’t exactly lie about his service, he was a Major, he was a doctor, he served during Desert Storm, but I’m pretty sure a child neurologist wouldn’t be treating wounded soldiers, except in emergency circumstances – extreme emergencies.


This is another great find by Jim Hanson.

The post MORE LIES: Democrat Gov. Northam Fabricated His Desert Storm War Experiences in 2017 Campaign appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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