
Murder? WHAT Murder? CNN Panel Avoids Discussion of Northam’s Post-Birth Abortion Comments

- Februari 03, 2019



“Hey — look over there!”

Such was the essential response of liberal commentator Karen Finney on CNN’s State of the Union Sunday. The effort came amid a topic-broach of Gov. Ralph Northam’s recent remarks, which were — essentially — “We’re going to kill babies after they’re born.”

But don’t just accept my summary; get the words from the horse’s mouth here.

Horses love big apples — and Ralph’s apparently a fan of the Big Apple’s recent move to legalize abortion up ’til birth (here, here, here, and here); perhaps not wanting to be outdone, he took it a step further. And he stepped in it.

But on CNN, the group sidestepped.

While discussing Ralph’s recently-exposed yearbook photo — in which the politician is dressed either in blackface or as a Ku Klux Klansman — former George W. Bush appointee Scott Jennings had this to say:

“[I] want to touch on a comment you made in the phrase human dignity because this is the second moment where Ralph Northam this week failed to respect human dignity. The first moment, of course, was when he made his ghoulish, horrific statements about abortion. This was his second PR debacle this week.

“Previous to this blackface-KKK robe-moonwalking press conference he was on a radio show. He’s a pediatrician talking about — talking about aborting children at the moment of birth and then even after they had been delivered. I agree with you, [panelist Bakari Sellers]. Human dignity matters and we ought to respect every human life of every race, especially these poor babies who are laying in delivery rooms when you have governors of states that think we should have a discussion about murdering them? After they were born?”

Democratic pundit Karen Finney grabbed the discussion’s wheel and veered down the side street of AnythingElse Avenue:

“OK, stop, stop stop! That’s a lie. What you’re saying is a ghoulish lie. I am on the board of NARAL Pro-Choice America. That is a lie that the right-wing has perpetuated.”

It is? She should click here.

Scott interrupted, “Listen to his radio show. Listen to his radio show.”

No matter:

“I heard what he said. I don’t agree with what he said and the way he said it. But what we’re talking about is making sure that, in those instances, it is a woman and a doctor — not anyone at this table or anyone in Congress — making the decision. That is not the same thing as what we were talking about — when we were talking about — is what we started talking about: racism in this country. And we know that that largely drove why people voted for Donald Trump is 2016. So in 2020, this is a time when we are going to have to have that conversation. You want to have that conversation? We will do it.”

So any other conversation, she won’t do it. And the panel didn’t.

Summary: What Ralph Northam spoke on a video that the world can watch is not what Ralph Northam spoke on a video that the world can watch. Now onto the important thing: Trump supporters are racists, and that’s why they voted for him — that’s what we “know.” So we know what we don’t know, and you don’t know what you do know.

Is it just me, or is that a bunch of horsesh*t?



Relevant RedState links in this article: herehere, here, here, and here.

See 3 more pieces from me: Patricia Heaton defends Catholic teens, an Egyptian is jailed for a gay interview, and you vomit.

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