
Predictable: Rolling Stone’s ‘Women Shaping the Future’ Issue Completely Omits Republicans

- Februari 28, 2019

Some things we can take for granted that they are reliable facts. The sun will rise in the east and set in the west. Those videos of otters holding hands while they sleep are always adorable. And Rolling Stone will continue to be unabashedly biased in the liberal direction.

The latest example of this is their current issue, titled “Women Shaping the Future.” Photographed on the cover and featured in interviews within the issue are four Democrats: Rep. Jahana Hayes (D-CT), Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN).

To say the coverage is fawning is to say the sky is blue. Pelosi’s interview begins with Rolling Stone founder Jann S. Wenner, who accompanied staff writer Tessa Stuart to the interview, giving her a box of fancy chocolates.

That’s literally what they wrote in the article, that Wenner brought her “a box of fancy chocolates.”

Wenner had come to the interview with a gift: a box of fancy chocolates. (Pelosi is well-known for her love of chocolate.)

Nancy Pelosi: Oh, my goodness. Maison du Chocolat. This is the real thing. Thank you so much. Should we start?

Rolling Stone: Yeah, let’s start, because you’re busy.
No, I meant start with the chocolate.

The homepage for Parisian chocolatier La Maison du Chocolat features several gift boxes ranging from flavored truffles for $64.00 to a Boîte Maison (French for “house box”) “luxury gift box features an exquisite selection of 93 ganaches, pralinés and dark chocolate truffles that will set you back $194.00, or if Wenner felt like really spoiling the Speaker of the House, he could have selected one of the “hat boxes” that hold a variety pack of confectionery delights and cost as much as $620.00.

Setting aside the weirdness of gifting a box of chocolates most Americans can’t afford before you chat about how the Democrats are looking out for the working class, the bigger problem with the issue is the complete lack of inclusion of any conservative women.

Olivia Perez-Cubas, the former communications director for Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and current communications director for Winning for Women (a PAC supporting free-market conservative women running for federal office), tweeted several glaring omissions in Rolling Stone‘s definition of “women shaping the future,” including Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY), who was the youngest woman elected to Congress — four years before media darling Ocasio-Cortez.

“Time and again the media ignores Republican women,” Perez-Cubas told RedState. “While the GOP has more work to do, Republican women are making history. Part of why Winning For Women exists is to talk about all the great work being done by conservative women because their stories aren’t getting nearly as much attention as they deserve.”

Ali Pardo, another Rubio alumna who serves as the House Republicans’ press secretary, and AshLee Strong, former spokeswoman for former Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI), chimed in with several more omissions.

In addition to the tweets above, the magazine also did not think it was worth their time to interview Rep. Jenniffer González, who was the first woman to represent Puerto Rico in Congress. In that role, González represents 3.4 million American citizens — more than any other member of the House.

Even if Rolling Stone takes the narrow view that the future can only be shaped by fighting President Donald Trump, several of these conservative women have shown an independent streak. Stefanik and Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) were among the thirteen House Republicans who voted in favor of the resolution yesterday revoking Trump’s National Emergency declaration.

Just like the Women’s March did not want pro-life women to participate, Rolling Stone doesn’t want to see conservative women having a voice in shaping the future.

Read my RedState article archive here.

Follow Sarah Rumpf on Twitter: @rumpfshaker

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