
Rep. Nunes: GOP Lawmakers Looking Through Russiagate Transcripts – Will Make DOJ Referrals

- Februari 12, 2019

Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA)

Ranking member of the House Intel Committee, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) said in an interview with The Hill TV’s Buck Sexton that GOP lawmakers are combing through Russiagate transcripts from interviews conducted over the last year and will make referrals to the Justice Department.

“We’re continuing to work with the task force that was set up late last year between the Judiciary Committee and the Oversight Committee that was led by Goodlatte and Gowdy with our recommendations,” Devin Nunes told The Hill TV’s Buck Sexton.

“We will be continuing that task force, except at that the House Intelligence Committee Republicans will be involved,” Nunes continued.

“We’re now combing through the transcripts that came last year from the roughly 15 interviews or so. We’ll comb through those and we will be sending those recommendations on to the Department of Justice when the timing is appropriate,” he said.

Buck Sexton asked Congressman Nunes where the Mueller investigation is going to end up regarding President Trump and Russian collusion.

“They’re not going to find any Russian collusion,” Nunes said, adding, “As we’ve known from the very beginning the Mueller team was stacked with hard partisans and two were fired — Strzok and Page were fired.”

Last April, former Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) and 10 other lawmakers sent a letter to the DOJ, criminally referring Comey, Hillary Clinton, McCabe and Loretta Lynch for their investigations into Trump.

That same week in April, Inspector General Michael Horowitz criminally referred former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe to the US Attorney’s office about the FBI’s investigation into the Clinton Foundation.

So far, none of these Deep State criminals have been indicted or sentenced to prison — meanwhile Trump associates are being indicted on process crimes.

There will be no justice as long as Mueller and Rosenstein are running the DOJ.

The post Rep. Nunes: GOP Lawmakers Looking Through Russiagate Transcripts – Will Make DOJ Referrals appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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