
Senator Lindsey Graham: ‘Let’s Vote on the New Deal!’ His Motives May Not be Wholly Altruistic

- Februari 09, 2019



On February 7th, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez released to the world her New Green Deal. After reading the bizarre document — which literally addressed cow farts (here) — many concluded it must’ve been written in crayon.

Nevertheless, South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham wants Congress to vote on the deal’s resolution. His reason? He wants Americans to understand what kind of goofiness the Left is proposing to fight the weather.

Lindsey said as much in a tweet Friday:

“Let’s vote on the Green New Deal! Americans deserve to see what kind of solutions far-left Democrats are offering to deal with climate change.”

AOC’s plan announces “10-year national mobilizations” in the fight against global warming, requiring a revolution in the areas of energy, agriculture, and transportation. And oh, yeah — all buildings have to be fixed.

Nice job.

She also let the world know she’ll be “repairing historic oppression” and providing for those “unwilling” to work.

That’s nice.

Count me in.

In the United States at this present moment, what do we need more of? According to her interview with NPR Thursday, it’s this:

“So really the heart of the Green New Deal is about social justice and it’s about allowing and fighting for things like fully funded pensions for coal miners in West Virginia, fighting for clean water in Flint, and fighting for the ability of indigenous peoples to take a leadership role in, in where we’re moving as a country.”

Social justice!

Would great exposure of the plan’s idiocy help Republicans? Former White House official Andy Surabian thinks so:

“Every Republican in the country should get on their hands and knees and thank Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.”  

Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro would likely agree — he called it “one of the stupidest documents ever written” (here).

Surely to some in the GOP, being that stupid still calls to question whether it would hurt Democrats in the eyes of their constituency.

Would it?



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