Is America the greatest country in the history of the world? How about the greatest country just right now? Second best? Third? Not in the view of some students at the University of California, Berkeley.
Such was discovered by independent filmmaker Ami Horowitz, who went onto the campus as part of an experiment. Ami waved the flag and voiced pro-America sentiment. Some of the responses from passersby? How about a little of this:
“[America’s] the one imperial power in the world right now.”
“It signifies military rule.”
“God is not proud of us.”
Okay; so we live in an imperialistic nation, and we’re responsible for the colonial slavery of the world.
Well, how about a different group’s symbol in the wind? What do the young skulls of mush feel about it?
Ami went back to campus, this time with the official banner of ISIS.
He stood on the lawn and spouted things such as:
“I denounce Western imperialism.”
“ISIS is love; we don’t have hate in our hearts. Unless you stand against us — then we kill you.”
He got some ‘atta boys.
The sad part of the experiment’s results is that, if people who believe America is terrible are the ones in whose hands it will one day lie, then they’re right: it will be wretched, because they will make it so. In that paradigm, American unexceptionalism is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Watch the incredible video below. And tell me: Do you believe the students of Berkeley are representative of much of their generation? If so, how can this tide be turned? Also: The video was created a little over a year ago; do you think anything has changed? I look forward to your responses.
Beware the [censored] language.
See 3 more pieces from me: the toughest divorce, the worst Lyft passenger, and the gayest day at Disney.
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