
THE DAM BREAKS. Multiple Calls For Justin Fairfax To Resign and More Allegations Are Rumored

- Februari 09, 2019

What a difference a week makes.

Last Friday, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam was on the verge of being forced from office over a 35-year-old photo that surfaced of him in either blackface or a KKK robe and Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax looked to be in the catbird’s seat to succeed Northam. On Sunday, Dr. Vanessa Tyson let it be known that Fairfax had engaged in forcible sodomy with her at the DNC convention in 2004 (there was a lot of that going around there). For a brief moment, all senior Democrats on the Hill averted their eyes. Then things got serious. Both Tyson and Fairfax lawyered up, using the law firms that represented, respectively, Christine Ford and Brett Kavanaugh. NOW demanded Fairfax resign. But there was gloom on the horizon as rumors swirled that there were other women. Pay attention to this, this guy is a longtime Democrat operative in Virginia:

A short while ago, another woman claimed that she had been forcibly raped by Fairfax while they were students at Duke University. Shortly thereafter, former Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe and a slew of high profile Virginia Democrats said Fairfax had to go.

Since the Spartacus has changed his tune. Earlier in the week this is what he said.

Now he is calling for Fairfax to resign.

Talcum X is demanding a resignation.

And this ominous tweet from the guy who hinted at a second woman:

And more bad news:

It looks like Justin Fairfax is done.

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The post THE DAM BREAKS. Multiple Calls For Justin Fairfax To Resign and More Allegations Are Rumored appeared first on RedState.


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