
The Trans GameStop Raging “MA’AM!” Releases Rap Song About His Experience

- Februari 20, 2019

Best. Day. Ever.

The viral story of one transgendered person’s freak out at a GameStop employee for calling him by his actual gender instead of using pronouns that tell the opposite story reached far and wide through the internet, generating no shortage of gags and memes making fun of the raging “super ma’am.”

This includes a GameStop “POP!” figure, which I pray to the lord above is real, and if anyone lays eyes on it, alert me immediately.

According to a news report, however, the transgendered “MA’AM!” who goes by Tifanny Moore is also a rapper that goes by the name “Paycheck Stubbz.”

Stop laughing, this is serious.

According to the news report, after Stubbz’s horrific experience at the GameStop, he went home and wrote a rap about it. Needless to say, I sat on pins and needles, waiting for the release of the song.

Now we finally have it, and it would now appear that like his gender, Stubbz has also changed his name. It’s now “saraTONIN.” Much better.

I can say with confidence that this is one of the greatest things the internet has ever delivered to us. TONIN raps about how the GameStop employee awoke a demon inside for “misgendering” him and noted his increasing anger every time he didn’t hear the word “ma’am.”

So, without further ado. Ladies and gentleman, I give you…StubbzTONIN in…I’m not sure, but it’s hysterical.

I should note that a transgender rapper in and of itself isn’t funny. The absolute fury that Moore put into his GameStop tirade turned rap song is pure comedy. It takes a special kind of moron to go off on a GameStop employee for accidentally getting your preferred pronoun wrong, but to double down on it with a silly rap song in an attempt to make you look hardcore while victimized is pure hilarity.

The post The Trans GameStop Raging “MA’AM!” Releases Rap Song About His Experience appeared first on RedState.


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