
There’s A Vladimir Lenin Statue In Seattle, and Republican Lawmakers Want It Gone

- Februari 27, 2019

In the Fremont neighborhood of Seattle (because, duh, it’s Seattle) stands a 16 foot tall statue of communist revolutionary and innovator of mass starvation and firing squads, Vladimir Lenin. Republican lawmakers in Washington have now introduced a bill “to study and make recommendations on an appropriate historical figure to replace the statue of Lenin, and to represent the state of Washington.”

While leftists across the country have been losing their minds over confederate monuments and statues, the wackjobs around Seattle have largely been silent on the statue of a man who conceived of the gulag prison camps for dissenters.

But this isn’t the first time politicians have called for the statue’s removal. In late 2017, then-mayor Ed Murray called for it to be taken away. Mayor Murray would soon resign in disgrace after numerous accusations of child sex abuse broke from numerous victims.

Anyways, KIRO7 reports:

A new bill proposed by a group of 14 Republicans in the state Legislature would look to convene a “work group” to find a suitable replacement for Seattle’s iconic Vladimir Lenin statue.

Seattle’s Lenin statue sits in the city’s Fremont neighborhood, having been there since 1995. It’s often found itself at the center of controversy, though, with opponents decrying Lenin’s role in the Red Terror, along with a variety of other human rights violations.

A bill proposed in the Washington State House of Representatives would form a work group “to study and make recommendations on an appropriate historical figure to replace the statue of Lenin, and to represent the state of Washington.”

“The legislature finds that under rigorous, objective review Vladimir Lenin does not meet the standards of being one of our state’s top honorees with a statue display in Seattle,” the bill reads.

The proposed work group be be comprised of the director of the state’s Department of Archeology and Historic Preservation, Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan, the director of the Washington State Historical Society, four public representatives selected by Gov. Jay Inslee, and members of the state Legislature.

According to wikipedia, the statue was purchased by Lewis E. Carpenter out of a scrapyard in Slovakia in 1993, and he placed it on his property in Seattle. He soon died while trying to decide what to do with it.

Not to be outdone, Portland’s little brother syndrome has the city staking it’s claim to the communist dictator legacy by touting Joseph Stalin’s granddaughter, Chrese Evans, as a resident of the city. And big surprise, she’s a wacked out social justice feminist. Because it’s Portland, duh.

The post There’s A Vladimir Lenin Statue In Seattle, and Republican Lawmakers Want It Gone appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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