First, New York passed an abortion-up-until-birth law (here, here, here, and here).
Next, Virginia discussed the same, or worse.
Cue Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, who said perhaps the most shocking thing I’ve ever heard come from an elected American official: He confirmed — or introduced — the notion of a baby being aborted after birth — the child would be born, “kept comfortable,” and then the parents and doctor would decide whether to kill it (here).
If you aren’t caught up on all that, PLEASE utilize the links above.
In response to Virginia Del. Kathy Tran’s proposed bill to repeal all restrictions on late term abortion, Trump had decisive words for The Daily Caller in an exclusive interview. At the time, he hadn’t heard Gov. Northam’s comments. TDC brought him up to speed.
“I’m surprised that [Northam] did that. I’ve met him a number of times,” Trump replied.
As for the much-talked-about video of Tran’s debate with a Republican over the bill Monday (seen here):
“I thought it was terrible. Do you remember when I said Hillary Clinton was willing to rip the baby out of the womb? That’s what it is. That’s what they’re doing. It’s terrible.”
Watch Hillary refuse to criticize partial birth abortion here.
Trump’s prognosis, given the events of the last few days, is surely more optimistic than that of many pro-lifers:
“This is going to lift up the whole pro-life movement like maybe it’s never been lifted up before. The pro-life movement is very much a 50-50, it’s a very 50-50 issue. Actually, it’s gained a point or two over the years.”
The President believes the Left’s extreme move on abortion will wake people up to stunning realities:
“I think this will very much lift up the issue because people have never thought of it in those terms.”
Perhaps he’s right.
Relevant RedState links in this article: here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.
See 3 more pieces from me: white have to die, pronouns have to die, and dreadlocks have to die.
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