
Twitter Legal Warns Michelle Malkin Her ‘Mohammed Cartoon Tweet’ Violates “Pakistan’s Blasphemy Laws” – Which Are Punishable by Prison or Death

- Februari 28, 2019

Twitter legal sent conservative firebrand Michelle Malkin a warning last week that her Mohammed cartoon tweet violated Pakistan’s “blasphemy laws.”

The specific blasphemy laws Michelle Malkin violated are punishable by life imprisonment or death and Twitter happily delivered the death threat to her.

“I’ve been #SiliconValleySharia -ed. Here’s the notice Twitter’s legal dept sent me last week, warning me to get legal counsel because anti-blasphemy Muslim zealots complained that my Mohammed Cartoons tweet violates Pakistan’s laws,” Malkin said in a tweet on Wednesday with a screenshot of the warning.

Below is the ‘offensive’ Mohammed cartoon tweet Michelle Malkin posted — she originally posted it January of 2015.

Michelle Malkin then stated that she responded to Twitter’s legal team seeking answers.

“I have written to Twitter’s legal & media relations departments seeking answers and comment on why American citizens who use their service are now subject to Pakistan’s oppressive anti-blasphemy laws. No response yet – hi @jack can you respond==> #SiliconValleySharia” Malkin said in a tweet.

In an email to Twitter, Michelle Malkin states she’s an “American citizen who rejects sharia law” and she “never agreed to any terms of service limiting tweets” on her “American law-abiding opinions of sharia and Islam” when she signed up for Twitter.

“I would like to know who or what government agency, private organization or individual complained about my tweet, when they did so, and what criteria you will use to decide whether to take any action on the reported content,” Michelle Malkin said in her email response to Twitter legal.

Pamela Geller received the same warning from Twitter after she criticized Sharia enforcer, Linda Sarsour.

This reporter received the same warning from Twitter legal over a tweet posted calling for burkas to be banned in the United States.

The Pakistani blasphemy laws Twitter is warning about is punishable by life imprisonment or death:

Section 295B criminalizes “defiling the Holy Quran,” and carries a penalty of life imprisonment. 295C mandates that those who “by words, either spoken or written, or by visible representation, or by any imputation innuendo, or insinuation, directly, defiles the sacred name of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) shall be punished with death, or imprisonment for life and shall also be liable for fine.”

So we are looking at the punishment of death, imprisonment and/or a fine — and all not necessarily in that order.

Feel safer yet, America?

The post Twitter Legal Warns Michelle Malkin Her ‘Mohammed Cartoon Tweet’ Violates “Pakistan’s Blasphemy Laws” – Which Are Punishable by Prison or Death appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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