Are you all ready to vote for Joe Biden in 2020, and you’re just waiting to find out who’ll be your VP? If so, have I’ve got great news: You may soon be living in the utopia of SuperBeto (here).
On Tuesday, the Texas midterm loser told press in El Paso he’s definitely open to running for Leader of the Free World — or even congressman (again). However, O’Rouke may, in fact, be interested in being Robin to some other Democrat’s Batman:
“I’m going to consider every way to serve this country. And, yes, that will include anything. … [It] may involve running for the presidency, it may involve something else.”
“Something else”? Like Vice “Anything”?
In an interview with Oprah a few weeks ago, Beto was expected to announce his run for the Oval Office. But oval became the mouth-shape of those who anticipated it. That would be, it was a no-go; he said he’s still deciding.
According to Marketwatch, late last year, Biden reached out to Beto with an invitation to hop in the sidecar.
Advisers to former Vice President Joe Biden, who is considering a White House run of his own, said in December that they’d approached O’Rourke’s camp about his being a vice presidential candidate. O’Rourke said then that he’d not spoken to Biden, and his camp hasn’t dismissed the idea since.
Despite some on the Left’s excitement over Beto, it seems a bit odd that they’d choose the loser of a Senate race to be the best bet as winner of a presidential one. Then again, the head of the Dems just said the Republicans want to transition America to a national sausagefest (here). So when it comes to things making sense to me with the DNC, I’d say all bets are off.
Would Beto’s incorporation be good news for the GOP? Could anyone at all pull the rug out from under Trump? How about this guy, who was first to throw his hat in the ring of Republican usurpers? Let me know your predictions for 2020 in the Comments section below.
Relevant RedState links in this article: here, here and here.
See 3 more pieces from me: Lindsey on fire, Bo Jackson on fire, and Elvis on fire.
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