
WATCH: Man Catches Three Burglars in His Parents’ Home, Hilariously Takes Charge With a Firearm

- Februari 05, 2019



What’s the result of the right to bear arms?

According to many on the Left, it’s murder. Evil. Lo, the tyranny of the 2nd Amendment must be stopped.

Yet, there are scenarios which do more than subtly challenge that dogma. Just take, for example, this guy’s brave act to protect his kids. And how ’bout this stunning show of Girl Power? Take a look at how this politician saved his family. And how this Grandma taught a flasher an unforgettable lesson. Here’s a preacher who’ll introduce a criminal to God personally. You skeered of four home invaders? This resident ain’t.

Get ready for another story of a gun owner who don’t play.

Stephen Routh arrived at his parents’ house Sunday and discovered three burglars tryin’ to sneak out the back door.

He decided not to let ’em do that.

So he pointed his handgun and invited ’em to take it easy on the front lawn ’til the cops arrived.

A video of the Asheboro, North Carolina incident went public, and you’ll love the spectacle of a man taking care of business.

Thank goodness no one was hurt.

The goobs were only 14, 15, and 17 — just young’uns.

And Stephen’s a Young Gun (though slightly more seasoned). Hopefully, the teens learned a valuable lesson — the kind that keeps them from getting shot in the future.

Stephen was tipped off, incidentally, by his parents’ neighbor. The heat-packin’ son watches after their house. Well, I might add.

He told Fox 8 the kids messed up the house somethin’ fierce:

“It is a terrible mess. All the doors are askew, cabinet doors have been opened, stuff thrown out, papers everywhere. They know this is not their home. They know they had no business in here.”

But at least they weren’t total idiots:

“I had the gun and they were coming out, and as soon as they saw the big gun pointed at them, their hands went up.”

Good boys. Because:

“They’re lucky I didn’t shoot them.”

D*mn right!

That dude took charge. Enjoy the video below.

Stephen has a message for America’s would-be home invaders:

“People are not taking this mess anymore.”

He sure isn’t.



Relevant RedState links in this article: here, here, here, here, here, and here.

See 3 more pieces from me: a Border Patrol serial killer, a male beauty contestant, and a mad Geraldo.

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