Promoted from the diaries by streiff. Promotion does not imply endorsement.
It is common for Conservatives to discuss the Constitution and the ideals held by the founders, it is one of the greatest things that separates us from the Left, we have a foundation for which to build our ideology. With the recent national emergency declaration from Trump, we got to see members of Congress who did nothing in the last two years to curb this type of power after it was abused by Obama, and nothing to curb it for the months leading up to Trump declaring a the national emergency he said he would if Congress didn’t act on the wall, suddenly apoplectic over the Constitutionality of his declaration. Don’t misunderstand me, I love that Conservatives can have these debates, and everyone’s heart is in the right place no matter which side they fall on, but there is a part that infuriates me.
Where were these Constitution hawks when we learned the DoJ was spying on a candidate using faulty evidence?
I appreciate our elected officials standing by the Constitution, I just wished they had as much fury about it when we learned that the Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign, sent spies to try and entrap Trump officials, and used opposition research and lies to get a FISA warrant to conduct surveillance of an American citizen. Later tonight Andrew McCabe will hawk his book in an interview where he admits that senior DoJ officials brainstormed the idea of getting the cabinet and Vice President to invoke the 25th amendment because they hated Trump. We also learned earlier this week that FBI lawyer Lisa Page and Obama’s Department of State discussed a quid pro quo where the FBI would downgrade classification of an email in exchange for more foreign posts for the FBI.
So I am very interested in where all the Constitution hugging Conservatives have been, and where their worries of a potential dictatorship were in the two years they had control of both houses and evidence piled up that the Obama administration abused it’s authority to try and destroy the Republican candidate for President, but maybe they don’t actually care about any of those things and they’re just hollow words from politicians that in the end mean nothing. I’m not really surprised by much these days, but I welcome any official, Congress person, or Senator to come onto my show and set the record straight.
For more on these subjects and other news of the week be sure to watch our program which aired live Sunday at 1200PM eastern and subscribe here for more videos:
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