
Bernie Disses Hillary Clinton When Asked If He Will Seek Her Advice For His 2020 Presidential Bid “I Think Not” (VIDEO)

- Maret 02, 2019

Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders (VT) appeared on the “The View” Friday morning and dissed Hillary Clinton when Meghan McCain asked him if he would be seeking Clinton’s advice for his 2020 Presidential bid.

“We’re hearing about a lot of Democratic candidates who are meeting with Hillary Clinton for advice like people like Amy Klobuchar — do you think you’ll do the same?” McCain asked Bernie.

“I suspect not…no, she has not called me,” Sanders said. “Look we have fundamental differences.”

When McCain pressed Bernie on if he will seek advice from her he responded, “I think not — Hillary and I have fundamental differences.”


Hillary Clinton completely took over the DNC in 2016 and rigged the primaries in her favor — leaked DNC emails which ended up on WikiLeaks showed how the Dems screwed over Bernie Sanders.

Although Bernie Sanders eventually buried the hatchet and campaigned for Hillary Clinton for the last few months of the 2016 presidential campaign, it appears there may still be some bad blood.

The post Bernie Disses Hillary Clinton When Asked If He Will Seek Her Advice For His 2020 Presidential Bid “I Think Not” (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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