
BREAKING: Fascist NY State Officials Subpoena Trump Org’s Insurance Broker – Claim Trump Inflated Company’s Assets For Insurance Reasons

- Maret 06, 2019

New York state officials issued Aon, the longtime insurer to the Trump Organization, a subpoena over claims that Donald Trump and the Trump Organization were involved in efforts to inflate the company’s assets for insurance reasons.

The New York Times reported that Aon, one of the largest insurance brokerages in the world, received a subpoena late Monday as part of the probe by the New York State Department of Financial Services.

Once again, there is no indication that the Trump Organization engaged in misconduct, however, the Democrats are going to go on a fishing expedition anyway.

Via The New York Times:

The subpoena that was served on Aon contains no indication that the company or any of its employees engaged in misconduct, the person said. Nor does it specify any possible wrongdoing that is the focus of the inquiry by state regulators.

Insurance brokers such as Aon help companies evaluate their risk and connect them with underwriters, the companies that offer the actual coverage. For this service, the brokers receive a fee or commission, usually paid by the client.

The nine-page subpoena demands a broad range of materials regarding Aon’s business with Mr. Trump and the Trump Organization dating back to 2009, according to the person briefed on the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss it publicly.

Among other things, it seeks copies of all communications between Aon and Mr. Trump and the Trump Organization, as well as all internal Aon documents relating to Mr. Trump and the company, the person said.

The regulators are also looking at compensation for the current and former Aon employees who handled the Trump Organization account, seeking information about their incentives, bonus payments or commissions. They are seeking similar contracts and agreements between Aon and Mr. Trump.

To be clear, the Department of Financial Services does not have prosecutorial power nor does it conduct criminal investigations, however, it can refer illegal activity to state prosecutors.

Federal prosecutors in the Southern District of New York are currently investigating the Trump Organization’s role in the ‘hush money’ Trump paid to porn star Stormy Daniels and Playboy model Karen McDougal during the 2016 election.

The subpoena issued to the Trump Organization on Monday came from an agency that is a part of New York Governor Cuomo’s administration — Cuomo is a huge Trump hater and regularly attacks the President.

To add to this subpoena, House Democrats launched an all out assault on President Trump Monday.

Subpoenas flew on Monday after Rep. Jerry Nadler launched an investigation of Trump and issued document requests to 81 people and entities close to the White House.

Nadler even admitted on CNN that there is no evidence Trump obstructed justice but it’s his ‘personal opinion’ that Trump violated the Constitution so he launched a massive probe to see what they can find.

It was also announced Tuesday that House Intel Chairman Adam Schiff hired Daniel Goldman, a veteran prosecutor who worked as a US Attorney in the Southern District of New York and has experience fighting Russian organized crime to investigate Trump.

The Stalinist Democrats are also seeking 10 years of Trump’s tax returns in hopes of finding a crime — “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime.”

Had enough yet, America?

The post BREAKING: Fascist NY State Officials Subpoena Trump Org’s Insurance Broker – Claim Trump Inflated Company’s Assets For Insurance Reasons appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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