
Citing “Patriotism” Concerns, Oregon State University LGBTQs Say Vets Group Should Be Banned From Student Lounge

- Maret 26, 2019
Oregon State University

Oregon State University. Screen grab via their YouTube page.

Oregon State University LGBTQ groups are all about “inclusivity” in the name of tolerance and diversity – until it comes to veterans groups.

Campus Reform‘s Adam Sabes reports:

The Pride Center at Oregon State University called for Veteran Student Association (VSA) members to be barred from moving into an on-campus student lounge, stating that it is concerned about the veteran students’ “patriotism” and the “wellbeing” of students.

In a since-deleted open letter to the OSU community posted on Facebook on March 15, the pride center and the LGBTQ+ Multicultural Support Network said that they oppose moving the VSA into the Student Experience Center Involvement Lounge on campus.


The Pride Center, which is an entity of the Department of Diversity and Cultural Engagement, stated that their members would be “vulnerable” to the consequences of deciding to let the vet group occupy that space.

The group cited President Trump’s anti-transgender military policies as one reason they opposed the inclusion of the VSA, but there were other reasons as well:

The Pride Center and LGBTQ+ group also explain that they are concerned with the “particular type of American patriotism that would be promoted by centralizing the Veteran Students Association in the [Student Experience Center].”

Though the post was indeed deleted, the archived page shows several commenters who indicated they disagreed with the group:

One commenter wrote:

The veterans did not make, or even vote, on the recent changes. That was the work of one man, and those who chose to enact that change. Despite your words, by alienating a veteran organization, you alienate lgbtq+ veterans. You invalidate the path that they have chosen. This language of being a risk to those around them is exactly what has been used on queer people, that we risk the safety of children, families, vulnerable people. Dissappointing [sic] that you fight for a voice and inclusion by trying to exclude others.

Another said:

I’ve thought long and hard about this after I first heard about it a few weeks ago. This stance is incredibly disappointing and hurtful. As a member of the veteran community and an active supporter of the LGBTQ+ community, this type of stance is exactly what all groups involved have been fighting against. They are creating a divide between communities and fighting non-acceptance with non-acceptance. To lump all military veterans into one stereotype and to assume they are all the same shows a complete lack of understanding of the community and an unwillingness to come together and learn. As a member of the Jewish community it would be quite easy for me to spew hate and lump certain cultures and countries of people into a stereotype but instead I learn and listen and help. Do you understand how many multicultural veterans there are? How many LGBTQ+ veterans there are? You are telling them they have to basically pick a side.

Once the post was taken down, the group put up a different one – and shifted the blame for the original piece:

You may notice that we have removed an open letter posted to this page on March 15, 2019, about the relocation of OSU’s…

Posted by Pride Center- Oregon State University on Thursday, March 21, 2019

Translation: We were caught and now we are backtracking to save face.

This isn’t the first time military veterans have been targets of harassment from left wing activist organizations on college campuses. In 2017, the University of Colorado – Colorado Springs had to deal with the fallout from a widely-circulated letter on the UCCS campus written by a social justice warrior group that called for veterans to be banned from four-year universities.

The letter compared the US military to white supremacist groups.

Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 15+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter.–

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