
Democrats Reject Motion That Says Only Americans Can Vote — They Openly Support Foreigners to Carry Them

- Maret 10, 2019

House Democrats passed the For the People Act (H.R. 1) this past week.
The legislation makes it legal for illegal Americans and foreigners to vote in elections. The bill also makes voter harvesting legal.

Republican Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) offered a motion to the amendment to reaffirm that ONLY US citizens should have the right to vote — which is the law.

Democrats rejected the vote.

Republican Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) slammed the legislation as a cynical Democrat move to dilute Americans’ voting power, which it does.

Transcript via KUSI News:

“As a backdrop, let me emphasize that the long term goal of Socialist Democrats is to dilute and undermine the voting power of American citizens. How do we know that? By past Socialist Democrat actions and conduct. For example, in many parts of America where Socialist Democrats enjoy dominant political control, they have made it lawful for illegal aliens and lawful noncitizens to vote, thereby diluting the vote of American citizens and undermining the ability of Americans to run their own governments! San Francisco is the largest such city, where illegal aliens and all other noncitizens can not only lawfully register to vote, they in fact vote in local elections.Further, H.R. 1 does its best to exploit and expand voter fraud loopholes that Socialist Democrats slipped into past federal legislation that, for example, empowered as many as 95,000 noncitizens to register to vote, and 58,000 noncitizens to actually vote, in recent Texas elections.”

The post Democrats Reject Motion That Says Only Americans Can Vote — They Openly Support Foreigners to Carry Them appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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