
Judicial Watch Sues DOJ For Records on Efforts to Rollback Trump Announcement to Declassify Carter Page FISA Docs

- Maret 10, 2019

Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch filed a FOIA lawsuit against the Justice Department Friday for records about the agency’s involvement convincing President Trump to reverse his September 2018 decision to declassify Carter page docs and other pertinent Russia records.

Judicial Watch filed the lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia after the DOJ failed to respond to a September 18, 2018, FOIA request (Judicial Watch v U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:19-cv-00507)). Judicial Watch seeks:

Any and all records regarding, concerning, or related to the proposed declassification of certain Department of Justice records as ordered by President Trump on September 17, 2018. The request includes, but is not limited to, any and all related records of communication sent by or addressed to any official, employee, or representative of the Department of Justice.

Any and all emails or other records of communication sent by or addressed to DOJ official Bruce Ohr between September 16, 2018 and September 18, 2018.

On September 17th, President Trump issued an immediate declassification order of Carter Page FISA docs and other Russia related records.

The same day, President Trump also directed the DOJ and FBI to release all text messages relating to the Russia investigation, without redaction, of James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page and Bruce Ohr.

According to House Intel Chairman Devin Nunes there is exculpatory evidence in the 20 redacted pages of the Carter Page FISA docs.

It is also important to note that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein signed the June 2017 FISA renewal –one month after he appointed Robert Mueller as special counsel to investigate Trump-Russia collusion.

A few days later, President Trump announced he met with the DOJ concerning the unredacted documents and the agency [Rosenstein] persuaded him not release the docs.

TRUMP: I met with the DOJ concerning the declassification of various UNREDACTED documents. They agreed to release them but stated that so doing may have a perceived negative impact on the Russia probe. Also, key Allies’ called to ask not to release. Therefore, the Inspector General…

TRUMP…has been asked to review these documents on an expedited basis. I believe he will move quickly on this (and hopefully other things which he is looking at). In the end I can always declassify if it proves necessary. Speed is very important to me – and everyone!

“We have little doubt the Deep State DOJ is improperly trying to cover-up FISA abuse and other Russia hoax documents that President Trump initially ordered declassified. President Trump should immediately declassify these documents in order to expose any other abuses by the DOJ and FBI. Regardless, Judicial Watch will continue to press for the truth through the courts in the ongoing Deep State scandal,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said.

You can support Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch by clicking here.

The post Judicial Watch Sues DOJ For Records on Efforts to Rollback Trump Announcement to Declassify Carter Page FISA Docs appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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