
Lunatic Fed Chair Jerome Powell Crashed Trump Record Stock Market, Cost US Billions in New Debt, Trillions in Wealth and Sank the GDP – What a Disaster!

- Maret 01, 2019

Top financial analyst Burt Flickinger joined Charles Payne on Varney and Co. in December, the day after Christmas holiday.

The US economy and markets hit several historic records in 2018. President Trump was correct in his policy and the economy was never stronger.

Then in October Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell stepped in and destroyed the outstanding gains.

The market tanked, the Dow Jones dropped over 5,000 points, the Middle Class was decimated and the global markets are now in chaos. The Jerome Powell stock market crash is now GREATER THAN the market crash after 9-11. The guy is a dangerous lunatic.

The Dow is down 5,036 in December from its all-time high on October 3, 2018.

Since Jerome Powell’s comments on October 3rd and continuing promises of rate hikes the Dow Jones sank 18.7%.
The Dow is down over 5,000 points or 18%!

The stock market crashed 14% after the 9-11 Islamic attacks on America.

The DOW reached another all-time high on October 3rd reaching 26,829. It was up for the 103rd time since Donald Trump was elected President and 46% since the November 2016 election.

This was clearly too much for the Fed’s Powell who then scared investors with his message that he will raise rates well into next year.

Over $5 Trillion in Wealth was erased!

As a result of Fed Chief Powell’s actions, Americans have watched their 401k’s dissolve into thin air.

The Powell Stock Market Crash was greater than the 9-11 Attack Stock Market Crash!

On THursday the US government released its 4th quarter GDP numbers.  The GDP beat expectations at 2.6%.

The Commerce Department’s Bureau of Economic Analysis measured 2018 growth at 2.9 percent

Jerome Powell added billions of new debt to the economy.

He stalled the Trump market surge.
He decimated 401k’s.
He eliminated trillions of dollars in wealth.
And he also managed to bring the economy to a halt.
The GDP number did not hit 3.0%.
Jerome Powell is a dangerous lunatic and screwed this president and the American people.
Get rid of this clown.

The post Lunatic Fed Chair Jerome Powell Crashed Trump Record Stock Market, Cost US Billions in New Debt, Trillions in Wealth and Sank the GDP – What a Disaster! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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