
Marble Halls & Silver Screens Podcast ep. 60 — The Changing The Back Channel Edition

- Maret 18, 2019

Covering the connection of DC politics and Hollywood entertainment as they contribute to our culture.

This week there seemed to be a flood of stories based on what was happening behind closed doors. Stories centered around meetings and closed off cabals are what drives political media frequently and we had details emerging from such locales.

An off-the-record political gathering led to a supposed clash of VPs, The Dems staged numerous meetings to water down a resolution, testimony out of the Past of the Russia investigation threatens to unravel it all, and Captain America met with lawmakers in a fashion that fit our show format perfectly. It’s like we know what we are doing!



THIS WEEK’S THEME:Don’t Lie” – The Black Eyed Peas

  • At an officially off-the-record conservative political gathering – basically the polar opposite of CPAC – Dick Cheney supposedly “ambushed” Mike Pence in a Veep vs. Veep standoff.
  • As all of D.C. is holding its breath for the Mueller report to come out (this thing has been delayed more than the supposedly upcoming movie for “The Flash”) transcripts of the Bruce Ohr testimony were traded around, taking a lot of the piss out of the next “bombshell” promised by the press.
  • The DNC denied Fox News one of its numerous presidential debates. There are ample reasons why CNN and NBC News should also be denied, using their own standards.
  • The Democrats were forced to hold an emergency resolution because of all of the anti-Semitic comments by Ilhan Omar. In the end they let her off the hook, and ended up standing for nothing.
  • In a meeting in The Capital Chris Evans (Captain America, from “The Avengers” films) met with Congressmen from both parties to discuss issues regarding Vets and their benefits. One was Dan Crenshaw, who showed the actor his Captain America shield glass eye.
  • Alyssa Milano tried to sound wise by claiming to be a member of every single possible special interest group. As Sarah says, if everyone is special then no one is special. As Brad says, if everyone is special then there is no way anyone can say something offensive. But they both agreed she is a simpleton.
  • NPR claims they have found a reason for the infirm elderly in our country to fight for their lives — it was not loved ones, to to live to see a petty political hit job.
  • In a dose of heavy hilarious irony, a man claimed he was upset at his picture being used for an MIT study on hipsters, and in the end he proved their conclusion was 100% accurate.

for more insightful ridiculousness, follow us:
Podcast: @Lee_Slager

Sarah: @Sarailola
Brad: @MartiniShark

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