
The Enemies Within: AOC Campaign Calls For End to US/Israel Special Relationship in Fundraising Appeal

- Maret 09, 2019

AOC’s campaign sent out an email on Thursday claiming that AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) is coming after them.

“It’s official – AIPAC is coming after Alexandria, Ilhan and Rashida.”

The email continued, “Rashida, Ilhan and Alexandria have at times dared to question our foreign policy, and the influence of money in our political system. And now, lobbying groups across the board are working to punish them for it.”

Perhaps most significant of all, referring to the US/Israeli friendship, it said, “In this administration and all others, there should be no special relationship or status.”

According to the New York Post, the letter was sent “minutes before” the House vote on the sweeping anti-hate resolution. Originally intended as a rebuke to Omar for her incessant anti-Semitic comments, it had become so watered down to accommodate the more radical members of the Democratic caucus, that the final version bore almost no resemblance to the initial draft. Omar’s accusations that Jews have a “dual loyalty” and require others to pledge allegiance to Israel, were the catalyst for this week’s action in the House.

The email quoted AIPAC activist Stephen Fiske, who had told the New York Times that the trio “will not be around in [Congress in ] several years.”

Other excerpts:

Some members of Congress have even gone so far as to claim that ‘questioning support for the U.S.-Israel relationship is unacceptable.’”

Just a decade ago it was ‘unquestionable’ to not support the war in Iraq. And we all saw what resulted from that lack of discussion and negotiation.

Help us build a progressive movement that fights for the honest conversation, inclusiveness and our universal fight with hate with a $27 contribution.

The power that these women have acquired in only two months is as astonishing as it is frightening. The events of the past week have demonstrated that AOC has become more powerful than Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Due to the minority status of all three, it becomes more difficult to challenge them. And House leadership is willing to throw Israel under the bus to appease them.

This fundraising appeal is essentially the opening salvo in the trio’s attempt to change foreign policy. AOC, Omar and Tlaib have now gone too far, and the reluctance of Democratic leaders to reign them in is enabling them to continue their anti-Semitic rhetoric and associations.

Wayne Dupree points out the bigger issue isn’t bigotry, it’s terrorism:

These representatives stand beside Linda Sarsour, and CAIR stands behind Linda Sarsour, and the Muslim Brotherhood stands behind CAIR. This isn’t a conspiracy theory; this has been documented by the FBI well over a decade ago.

I agree Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar and the rest have the constitutional right to be a bigot if they so desire, same as everyone else in the United States, but I think we’re entirely too dismissive of the ideology they represent. This isn’t a bigotry issue, it’s a terrorism issue. The bigotry is just a symptom.

I can’t see how this ends well for Democrats.

The post The Enemies Within: AOC Campaign Calls For End to US/Israel Special Relationship in Fundraising Appeal appeared first on RedState.


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