
Trump Gets Poll Bounce From Mueller Probe Results

- Maret 26, 2019

Trump Poll Bounce

The leftists screwed up mightily with the Mueller probe. Just in from The Hill,

A majority of registered voters in a new poll say they would consider voting President Trump into a second term.
Fifty-four percent in the Hill-HarrisX survey released Monday said they would think about voting for Trump, though 46 percent of registered voters said they would not even consider casting a ballot for the president.

The Mueller Probe, despite some weasel language effectively exonerated President Trump of any wrongdoing. This is having a quite expected effect—an effect of giving the President’s poll numbers a good bounce.

This bounce is going to last. The Trump Administration has had a number of standout accomplishments—accomplishments diluted or flat out ignored by constant press harping on an investigation that turned out to be investing non-existent crimes. The left will continue to dig themselves deeper with this false “collusion” narrative. This can only help President Trump, while further destroying their credibility and their ability to help the Designated Democrat in 2020.

As he continues to string together ever more campaign promises he has kept, the leftists will continue to lose credibility. As I’ve said before here and here, with his accomplishments and inroads made in the Black and Hispanic communities, all President Trump needs to do now, is be able to show a couple miles of completed wall and a few more under construction, and he will win 2020 in a land slide.

Mike Ford is a retired Infantry Officer who writes on Military, Foreign Affairs and occasionally dabbles in Political and Economic matters.

Follow him on Twitter: @MikeFor10394583

You can find his other Red State work here.

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