
Babylon Bee Outdoes Itself by Placing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on an Iconic Television Show

- April 14, 2019



On Friday, the Babylon Bee struck a hight note. The idea was so obvious, but so far as I know, it hadn’t previously been done.

It was real gem.

The satirical site put Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on The Price is Right.


HOLLYWOOD, CA—Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was pumped to attend a taping of The Price Is Right in Hollywood this week. The special guest introduced herself as a U.S. representative and rising star of the Democratic Party. Things got interesting when the game began and every time it was her turn to estimate the price of an item her answer was “free.”

The article’s suggestion isn’t bloated. In the very real world, she seems to believe nothing costs anything: Everything’s for the taking because all things can be magically had by all people while no people are giving to all people for them to have them. It’s just all free! WHEEEEEE! (here, here, here, and here).

More from Alexandria’s game failure:

Items included a set of Italian leather handbags, an all expenses paid trip to the Bahamas, and a brand new 2019 BMW 330i, at all of which Ocasio-Cortez shouted, “FREE!”

Host Drew Carey tries to explain the show’s rules to the freshman senator from New York. Her response is simple:

“Don’t hate me cause you ain’t me.”

The account ends with a great quote from the socialist:

[A]s the credits rolled she appeared visibly upset. A hot mic picked up comments she made in frustration, claiming that the game was rigged by capitalism and that “everybody knows giant piles of money are free, that’s like basic economics 101”.

It’s an admirable thing when satire better reflects a serious reality than could a straighter approach. And the Bee hits the nail on the head.

See the great piece in its entirety here.

And let us all know: What are your favorite Babylon Bee stories? As for me, here’s one where the site hit a little too close to home.



Relevant RedState links in this article: here, here, herehere, and here.

See 3 more pieces from me: not all psychos, lonely Cosby, and a prisoner’s liberal releases rapes children.

Find all my RedState work here.

And please follow Alex Parker on Twitter and Facebook.

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