Undocumented students join a rally in support of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA program outside the Edward Roybal Federal Building in downtown Los Angeles Friday, Sept. 1, 2017. President Donald Trump says he’ll be announcing a decision on the fate of hundreds of thousands of young immigrants who were brought into the country illegally as children in the coming days, immigrants he’s calling “terrific” and says he loves. Trump told reporters Friday, using a short-hand term for the nearly 800,000 young people who were given a reprieve from deportation and temporary work permits under the Obama-era DACA, program. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)
Has anything exposed the left’s hypocrisy quicker than Trump’s plan to send migrants to sanctuary cities? Love or hate the guy, as political strokes of genius go, that one ranks near the top.
But don’t take it from me. Let Cher show you why:
I Understand Helping struggling Immigrants,but MY CITY (Los Angeles) ISNT TAKING CARE OF ITS OWN.WHAT ABOUT THE 50,000+
Citizens WHO LIVE ON THE STREETS.PPL WHO LIVE BELOW POVERTY LINE,& HUNGRY? If My State Can’t Take Care of Its Own(Many Are VETS)How Can it Take Care Of More
— Cher (@cher) April 14, 2019
I’m pretty sure, without doing the math, that this is almost exactly the same argument the Trump administration has been making regarding the entire country. Look at it this way, Cher: you feel some responsibility for your city because you live there. Trump feels some responsibility for the entire country because it’s his job. So, unless you’re ready to start choosing which cities you believe can afford to absorb illegal immigrants — along with the logistical and ethical reasons why — perhaps you’ll take a minute and try to understand the argument for why the country struggles with a massive influx of immigrants unwilling to go through legal channels and therefore unable to be adequately planned for.
Additionally, there’s another strange, 180 degree turn Democrats are taking on this issue. They seem to have decided, following Trump’s pronouncement, that simply releasing migrants into American cities will make the country less safe. This is certainly a new twist for the open borders crowd.
NEWS: @CoryBooker said @realDonaldTrump is “trying to pit Americans against each other and make us less safe” by threatening to release undocumented immigrants from the border into sanctuary cities in an exclusive interview with moderator @margbrennan https://t.co/3DqCvXjMaA pic.twitter.com/y2vRStlcPr
— Face The Nation (@FaceTheNation) April 14, 2019
In case you were unaware what fans Dems were of that kind of policy a few years ago (when it wasn’t going to land in their own backyards), here’s a really great thread on what the Obama administration was doing regarding redistributing illegal migrants throughout the country.
Read thread https://t.co/1HpEGCHx7z
— Ron Coleman (@RonColeman) April 14, 2019
It’s a long thread (and you should definitely read all of it), but here are a few of the most telling entries:
3. Even PBS described in detail how in 2014 border security patrol was completely overwhelmed by migrants crossing illegally. The Obama administration asked for$ 1.4 billion dollars whilst simultaneously simply releasing migrants into the country.
— Rising serpent (@rising_serpent) April 14, 2019
4. Border Patrol Deputy Chief Ronald Vitiello raised alarm saying releasing immigrants served as an incentive for other would-be immigrants to try to cross the border. https://t.co/4Hfrb0BsoX
— Rising serpent (@rising_serpent) April 14, 2019
7. In fact in 2014 residents in Murrieta CA protested successfully to prevent anymore busloads of illegal aliens being diverted from a completely overwhelmed Texas processing center.
Can you believe California had enough?https://t.co/CDynTUuvEz— Rising serpent (@rising_serpent) April 14, 2019
It starts to look like some on the left don’t actually care about the migrants that much, and certainly don’t want to live among them if they don’t have to. But they’re ok with the political game as long as most of the migrants are sent to Boise or Kansas City or someplace like that.
While some sanctuary city leaders are spitting fire over Trump’s idea, they’re still insisting — through clenched teeth — they’ll welcome migrants. But it’s likely only because they know Trump isn’t likely to follow through on the idea. But he did beat them at their own game. And boy did they show how they truly felt about immigrants and whether or not they believe the situation at the southern border is a crisis. And in record time.
The post Cher: So, Uh, We Really Can’t Take In The Migrants, Los Angeles Is Full appeared first on RedState.