
MEDIA GOES FULL COMMIE: Christiane Amanpour Asks James Comey Why He Didn’t Shut Down “Lock Her Up” Chants at Trump Rallies (VIDEO)

- April 04, 2019

Liberal media goes full commie–

Christiane Amanpour asks James Comey if he is responsible for President Trump’s victory in 2016 because HE ALLOWED Trump supporters to chant “Locker her up!” at Trump rallies.

Chistriane says this is “hate speech” and believes these people should have been silenced.

Christiane Amanpour: Of course, ‘lock her up’ was a 206 feature of the Trump campaign. Do you in retrospect wish that people like yourself, the head of the FBI, the people in charge of law and order, had shut down that language, that it was dangerous potentially? That it could have caused violence?

The left has NO SHAME pushing their totalitarian views in public today.
This needs to be TOTALLY rejected!

The post MEDIA GOES FULL COMMIE: Christiane Amanpour Asks James Comey Why He Didn’t Shut Down “Lock Her Up” Chants at Trump Rallies (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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