Does the Left hope to abort black babies in particular?
They’ve made some moves toward doing so.
The WNBA ran a campaign last May to promote Planned Parenthood (here). In August, a Texas abortion clinic sponsored a billboard telling minority mothers to #TrustBlackWomen and abort their babies because “abortion is self-care” (here).
And now, a Democratic politician in Ohio wants to except black babies from the state’s fetal heartbeat bill.
State Rep. Janine Boyd evidently wants as many specifically-black babies as possible to be aborted, as reported by LifeNews:
On Tuesday during a state House Health Committee meeting, [Janine] proposed Amendment 0291 to add the exemption.
Boyd likened restrictions on abortion to slavery as she urged her fellow lawmakers to support the measure.
“Black slaves were once treated like cattle and put out to stud in order to create generations of more slaves,” she said. “Our country is not far enough beyond our history to legislate as if it is.”
Mark Harrington — president of the pro-life Created Equal — called out Janine’s apparent desire for race-based extermination:
“Referencing abortion to avoid consigning children to slavery, she seems to suggest black children today should likewise not be born—which is exactly the purpose of her amendment. Every human being is valuable regardless of the color of his or her skin. To suggest that only black babies should be killed in Ohio is shocking racism not befitting of a representative of the Ohio House.”
Ohio’s bill is significant:
The heartbeat bill passed the state legislature Thursday. It would prohibit abortions after an unborn baby’s heartbeat is detectable, about six weeks of pregnancy, in Ohio. Because many women do not even know they are pregnant at this early stage, the legislation could protect almost all unborn babies in Ohio if it goes into effect.
But it won’t protect black babies, if Democrat Janine Boyd can help it.
What would happen if a Republican tried to exempt black children from an abortion law? I think we all know it wouldn’t be nothing.
Despite the Left’s recent propensity for calling conservatives Nazis, Hitler would surely love Janine’s idea.
Relevant RedState links in this article: here and here
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