
Oregon Bill Would Give Illegal Aliens Driver’s Licenses, Possible Voting Rights

- April 22, 2019

The Oregon legislature is moving ahead with a bill that would allow illegal aliens to obtain driver’s licenses. House Bill 2015Eliminates requirement that person provide proof of legal presence before Department of Transportation issues noncommercial driver license, noncommercial driver permit or identification card.

The 26-page bill would remove from the law phrases such as “proof of legal presence in the United States or, if the person is not eligible for a Social Security number, proof of legal presence in the United States and proof that the person is not eligible for a Social Security number” and “A person provides proof of legal presence in the United States by submitting valid documentation, as defined by the department by rule, that the person is a citizen or permanent legal resident of the United States or is otherwise legally present in the United States in accordance with federal immigration laws.”

The chief sponsor of the bill is Representative Diego Hernandez, who was the subject of a recent sexual harassment investigation. Of course he avoids the Kavanaugh treatment because he’s Hispanic and has a D next to his name. He was even able to paint himself out to be the victim.

In addition to being able to obtain driver’s licenses, this could also mean illegal aliens could register to vote. One of the ways that one can register to vote in Oregon is by providing a driver’s license number. In fact, a bill from a couple of years ago automatically registers someone to vote if they get an Oregon driver’s license. There’s nothing in the new bill that references voting or how the motor voter law would apply to illegals getting driver’s licenses.

A public hearing was held on the bill last week, and throngs of illegal aliens and their supporters showed up to testify in favor of the bill, proudly waving the Mexican flag.

Posted by Causa Oregon on Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Even Oregon attorney general, Ellen Rosenblum, was on hand to testify in favor of the bill.

Also present at the hearing were members of the Remembrance Project, which highlights victims of crimes committed by illegal aliens.

(Photos by Lesley Roer)

News station KGW ran a poll that they apparently took down after 75% of the respondents were opposed to the bill.

The state legislature had tried a similar stunt in 2014, but activists countered it by putting it up for a vote as a referendum. In the end, the proposal to give illegal aliens driver “cards” got walloped on the ballot 66-34%. No action on HB 2015 is scheduled, so that means they’ll probably wait until the last few days of the legislative session and ram it through.

The post Oregon Bill Would Give Illegal Aliens Driver’s Licenses, Possible Voting Rights appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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