
Robert Mueller is the Nerw James Patterson – The Collusion Report Takes Numerous Spots on the Best Seller Lists

- April 22, 2019

Print is not dead, based on the voracious appetite for a copy of the Mueller probe.

To say there was significant interest in the conclusion of the nearly two-year investigation into Russian Collusion is clear. The obsessive nature of the news nets in covering the release of the Mueller report — and covering their own tracks of culpability — has been extensive. To go along with this level of hype the public has been hungry to see the findings themselves as well. Robert Mueller’s report has become a publishing hit.

After Thursday’s release of the full but redacted investigation report, a number of publishers have rushed to get their copy of the probe into the marketplace — and the advanced sales are strong. Not just in select political categories but in overall book sales various versions of The Mueller Report take up numerous positions at the top of the lists in sales on Amazon and at Barnes & Noble.

The top edition comes from Skyhorse publishing, with an introduction from Harvard Legal expert Alan Dershowitz. The number two advance seller is published by the Washington Post, with an introduction by reporters who covered the investigation and includes a timeline of events and the inclusion of a number of key documents with explanations offered by Post writers. The third most popular is a straight forward copy of the report with no introduction or framing by other individuals.

All of these editions are on pre-order at the moment, as they are currently being printed. They are expected to become available sometime this week. If you are interested in obtaining a copy for yourself you do not need to wait that long — and you may be able to get it at no cost. A number of booksellers have digital editions available sooner than the published paperback copies.

At Amazon a number of downloadable versions of the full report are offered right now for their Kindle book reader. At Barnes & Noble you can get the report downloaded for free on their Nook device. At Audible narrated versions of the two top sellers can be purchased, while there is also an exclusive audio version of the report available at no cost.

The post Robert Mueller is the Nerw James Patterson – The Collusion Report Takes Numerous Spots on the Best Seller Lists appeared first on RedState.


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