
Say What? Rashida Tlaib Promotes Hunger Strikes to Protest ICE – But She Won’t Join Them

- April 19, 2019
Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI)

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI-13). Screen grab via CNN.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI-13) gave a speech over the weekend to a human rights group in Michigan where she urged attendees to take bold action on the issue of illegal immigration and ICE.

The Free Beacon reports:

Tlaib, headlining a Detroit fundraiser this past weekend for the Michigan Coalition for Human Rights, complained of colleagues who are constantly “policing” what she says and lack willingness to embrace bold stands such as abolishing ICE. She called on her activist audience to join her in a hunger strike at the border.

“It’s going to take movements outside the halls of Congress,” Tlaib told the crowd, according to video captured by America Rising, a conservative group.

“I want you all to shut them down, we can shut them down,” Tlaib said to applause. “Don’t wait for this Congress to act, shut them down.”

“I know what they’re going to say, they’ll go, ‘What do you mean Rashida?’ Well I’ll tell you. There are some people that are using hunger strike, all these other things, going to the border, and I plan to.”

Promoting hunger strikes? Seriously?

Watch video of her remarks below:

Per Daily Caller, Tlaib’s office clarified her remarks this afternoon:

A spokesman for Tlaib did not respond to The Daily Caller News Foundation when asked if the congresswoman is planning to engage in a hunger strike, but denied that Tlaib called for supporters to launch one of their own.

“She did not call for a hunger strike,” Tlaib’s office told TheDCNF. “‘She mentioned that she knows of folks who have done hunger strikes. After that, she mentioned folks going to the southern border which she said she plans to do.”

Uh huh.

This reminds me of how Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY-14) went back and forth over the weekend over whether or not she supported organized boycotts of the New York Post over their 9/11 cover from last Thursday. First she said she did, then she said she didn’t, then she said she did.

These women literally don’t know what they’re saying from one minute to the next, probably because they don’t think about what they’re going to say before they say it.

In Tlaib’s case, it’s extremely irresponsible for a sitting member of Congress to encourage supporters to go on hunger strikes – whether she is calling for them or merely amplifying existing efforts. Somebody could die taking her words about hunger strikes to heart. If she had the maturity to understand how her words as an elected official matter, she would have never said them.

But as part of the Three Amigas she believes her words should be immune to criticism because she’s a progressive woman of color and stuff, so I guess we are supposed to just move on or something.

Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 15+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter. —

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