
Schiff Says Congressional Democrats “May” Take Up Impeachment Proceedings Against Trump (VIDEO)

- April 21, 2019

House Intel Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) said on Sunday that Congressional Democrats “may” take up impeachment proceedings against President Trump.

Bring it on, Pencil Neck.

Schiff appeared on ABC’s “This Week” Sunday morning and told Martha Raddatz that the Mueller report shows ample evidence that Trump colluded with Russia during the 2016 election then obstructed justice.

Mueller’s 448-page, lightly redacted report was released Thursday morning and although the report concluded Trump did not conspire with the Kremlin during the 2016 election, Mueller punted the obstruction allegations to Barr and Rosenstein.

Barr concluded that Trump did not obstruct justice, however, the Democrats are using the 10 ‘episodes’ of obstruction outlined in Mueller’s report as a vehicle to impeach Trump.

Raddatz brought up Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren’s Friday tweet where she called for the House to initiate impeachment proceedings against President Trump.

Schiff said that Warren made an important point because the level of evidence in the Mueller report is “serious and damning” and in a normal circumstance would be “without question within the realm of impeachable offenses.”

Schiff then lamented the fact that GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy would not support impeachment efforts against Trump.

Schiff also complained that with the Republicans having control over the Senate and with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell having Trump’s back, impeachment seems unlikely.

“It may be that we [Democrats] undertake impeachment nonetheless,” Schiff said.


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