All they had to do was make average tasting cookies at competitive prices.
Instead, Chips Ahoy decided it’d be a good idea to do this.
#HappyMothersDay to your moms, your drag moms and everyone who celebrates you being YOU. #GetTheseCookies @VanessaVanjie
— Chips Ahoy! (@ChipsAhoy) May 12, 2019
What in the…
I’m not even sure what this is supposed to mean. Even if someone believes being a drag queen makes a man suddenly become a woman, they don’t become suddenly become a mother in the process. That’s kind of separate aspect of feminism that you can’t just appropriate. Also, aren’t drag queens a different thing than transgenders, i.e. they don’t claim to be the opposite sex? None of this makes any sense.
happy mothers day to men who dress like women. patriarchy wins again.
— T. Becket Adams (@BecketAdams) May 12, 2019
There’s also the fact that “Vanessa Vangie” is a pretty vile human being and I’m not talking about his penchant for dressing in drag. A quick search of his Twitter account will show he’s probably not the kind of person you want promoting your cookie company.
For the life of me, I can’t figure out why corporations do this. It’s just stupid from a business perspective.
Is there some new memo out that tells brands to #virtuesignal to a tiny segment of the population in a way that alienates vast swaths of the rest of it?
— Jim Hanson (@Uncle_Jimbo) May 12, 2019
Trump is going to be President forever isn’t he?
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