
CNN Fails to Cover One of the Most Shocking Stories of the Year; Meanwhile, Covington Fake News Got the Royal Treatment

- Mei 06, 2019



If you haven’t read my article “WATCH & GASP: Islamic Children In Philadelphia Vow To Chop Off The Heads Of Jews,” I implore you to do so. It’s undoubtedly one of the most shocking stories of 2019, and it’s one of which every American should be aware.

Some in the media seem to share a different view. In fact, despite the utter importance of spotlighting such an egregious threat from within our own populace, Don Lemon, Wolf Blitzer, and others’ legs must surely be chapped: CNN’s been nothing but crickets.

But they were buggin’ out not long ago — to the musical chirp of Fake News.

As pointed out by The Daily Wire’s Ryan Saavedra, a search for “Muslim American Society (MAS) Islamic Center in Philadelphia” on the network’s site brought a whole buncha nothin’.

By contrast, the Copious News Network served up plenty on wrongly-portrayed Covington Catholic High School’s Nick Sandmann (here, here, here, here, here, and here):

Way to go, goobs.

The Philadelphia story is outlandish, frightening, and above all relevant. But CNN said Nope.

And this is why so many of your (and my) Democratic friends and family don’t know what’s wholly going on — they’re only watching DNC sources, so they’re only getting DNC news. And it’s ultra-selective, Jack!

Meanwhile, Fox did cover the MAS item on Friday.

Sometimes the memes and social media posts we see online present a confusing portrait of politics, the White House, and America. But a look at the mainstream media goes a long way toward making sense of that curiosity.

In my view, the fact that CNN has ignored such a powerful story isn’t just unprofessional; it’s irresponsible. I’d love to see a return to objective and comprehensive information — not pundits and propagandists delivering messages, but sharp pros dishing out information with no discernible bias (lookin’ at you, Jim Acosta — here, here, here, here, here, and everywhere).

That used to be called “News.”



Relevant RedState links in this article: herehere, here, here, here, hereherehere, here, here, here, and here.

See 3 more pieces from me:

WATCH & GASP: Islamic Children In Philadelphia Vow To Chop Off The Heads Of Jews

‘FIRING SQUAD’: NEW GRAPHIC Bodycam Footage Of Cops Shooting Man Asleep In His Car Sparks Outrage

Kleenex Ditches Its Sexist ‘Mansize’ Tissues; Women Officially Have Huge Bats In The Cave

Find all my RedState work here.

And please follow Alex Parker on Twitter and Facebook.

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