
Comrade De Blasio For President

- Mei 16, 2019

As the sun peeks out over the horizon on this most auspicious of days, Bill de Blasio, the mayor of New York City, prepares for his greatest challenge.

For today, according to reports, is the day he will announce he is running for the Democratic nomination in 2020.

WASHINGTON — New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio will declare his bid for the presidency on Thursday, a campaign spokesperson said Wednesday, joining the almost two dozen other candidates already competing for the Democratic nomination.

De Blasio will make the formal announcement Thursday morning and then travel to Iowa and South Carolina for multiple stops over four days. His wife, Chirlane McCray, who has been a highly visible presence and close adviser during his six years at City Hall, will join him for part of the trip.

A Facebook post from the Woodbury County Democratic Party in Iowa announcing that de Blasio would appear at an event Thursday as the first stop on his presidential tour let the cat out of the bag early before his formal declaration. The post was later deleted.

My absolute favorite part of de Blasio’s campaign will be when media outlets who have been publicly at war with President Trump over access and transparency start trying to deal with the New York mayor. He is not on friendly terms with the local media back home.

Bill de Blasio, a very publicly socialist politician, has absolutely no respect for any journalist that tries to ask him a tough question. He has stated before that he feels the media coverage he gets in New York is “unfair” and has on multiple occasions cut off their access in an attempt to hide embarrassing details.

He also killed a groundhog in 2014 simply because (I assume) it saw its shadow.

Along with his hatred of the media, de Blasio is also a white male with power, something the Democratic field is in no short supply of. So, what makes de Blasio even want to run in such a crowded field?

The answer is… New York City. It hates him.

Only 24 percent of New York state voters had a favorable opinion of the mayor, while 49 percent viewed him unfavorably, the Quinnipiac University poll found.

De Blasio was also in political trouble in the city he has led for more than five years — just 36 percent of Big Apple voters rated him favorably compared with 48 percent unfavorably.

The mayor is too far left, even for many of New York’s Democrats, said pollster Doug Schoen.

“For those who are not socialists, Bill de Blasio isn’t what they’re thinking about in a presidential candidate,” he said.

Even among Democrats, [de Blasio] couldn’t break into positive territory — just 36 percent viewed him favorably versus 38 percent who gave him a thumbs-down.

Now, it’s not like he can run again in 2012. He’s term-limited out. But, he needs a political future and New York City isn’t going to cut it. They don’t want to see him there anymore, so de Blasio is going to take the same route Beto O’Rourke and Stacey Abrams took: National spotlight. Except, de Blasio doesn’t have a snowball’s chance to win the nomination, and he’s more than likely too late to the party to get a major poll surge ahead of any debates. In short, he’ll be forced to sit at the kids’ table while the grown-ups argue over who will take on Trump.

In the Democrats’ eyes, though, this has got to be seen as selfish behavior on his part. The party is already struggling with nearly two dozen announced candidates, and several more rumors floating around about who’s next. With de Blasio trying to take up some of the spotlight he’s only going to hurt the Democrats, who are having a tough time discussing any ideas because they are all having to screech louder than the last candidate to say something.

But… that’s good news for us, right? The Democrats currently appear to have no actual plan, which means a lot of that extreme, far-left ideology they had been suppressing up until a few years ago is going to be hitting the airwaves more and more. And the Democrats, God bless them, will maybe start to realize their rhetoric does not match up with what most Americans actually believe and want.

The post Comrade De Blasio For President appeared first on RedState.


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