After this, I’m going to reiterate my opinion that Trump missed a golden opportunity by going with “Sleepy Joe” instead of “Creepy Joe.” The low energy thing was already done with Jeb Bush and Biden’s awkward (at best) behavior with women and young girls is a bigger liability.
To support my case, I present to you Exibit A.
Recall that Biden filmed a video last month in which he vowed to respect women's personal space. Seems he hasn't quite gotten the message.
— Felicia Sonmez (@feliciasonmez) May 28, 2019
Maybe I’m wrong though. Given his past history of being very touchy with young girls in public, perhaps “creepy” is too tame of a descriptor. This guy has some serious issues.
Recall that after Joe started getting hit for his inappropriate behavior with women a few months ago, some Republicans jumped in to defend him, asserting that while it wasn’t good behavior, it was just Joe being out of touch. I disagree. Speculate on his motivation all you want, but what he’s doing is nowhere near normal at this point.
I’ve thought for a while that Joe Biden is the most formidable opponent for Trump, but I may be starting to rethink that. He seems to have no self-control over things a lot worse than mean tweeting and at 76 years old that won’t be changing. His campaign’s current strategy is essentially to keep him hidden away, not talking. A Presidential candidate can only keep that up so long.
When this guy really gets into the spotlight, there’s no telling what he’s going to do or say.
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