
School District in Washington State Caught Giving Muslim Students “Special Privileges” and Teaching Lessons on Ramadan

- Mei 14, 2019

Here we go again — Islam, with the help of Hamas front group CAIR is creeping into public schools in Washington state and parents are fighting back.

A cease and desist letter was sent to a school district in Washington state that pushed Islam onto students and was promoted through a Ramadan policy that gave Muslim students ‘special status.’

This is the second school district that has been caught promoting this ridiculous Ramadan policy just in the last week — and surprise, surprise, the ‘Ramadan policy’ was recommended by terror-tied CAIR [Council on American Islamic Relations].

CAIR also suggested that teachers greet students in Arabic (Islamic supremacy) as part of the Ramadan policy.

Ramadan, which falls between May 5 – June 5 this year is considered by Muslims to be their holy month, however, it is a month filled with bloody terrorist attacks…because the religion of peace or something.

WND exclusively reported that the Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund confirmed it has written to Michelle Reid, superintendent of the Northshore School District in Bothell, Washington, to insist that the policy be revoked.

The policy directs teachers to create “safe spaces” for Muslims, plan with Muslim students to let them “quietly slip away” from class for prayer, “privately offer information” about nutrition during their Ramadan fast, give “a lesson” on Ramadan and privately ask Muslim students what accommodations they want.

FCDF warned that if the district does not revoke the policy and begin compliance with the First Amendment, “then parents and students will have a legal cause of action against you and the school district.”

While students are allowed to practice their religion, the team said, and “nothing in the Constitution prohibits public schools from accommodating students’ religious exercise,” public schools are not allowed to have policies or practices that “convey a message that a particular religion, or a particular religious belief, is ‘favored.’

“Administrators and teachers must never be placed in the position of monitoring a child’s compliance with a particular religious requirement, such as prayer, dietary restrictions, or wearing a head covering,” the letter said.

The First Amendment requires, in those circumstances, neutrality on religion, the letter said.

FCDF demanded the school district “restore the rights of non-Muslim students of faith to be treated equally under the law” and called the Ramadan policy a “blatant insult to students of other faiths.”

“Under the mantle of ‘diversity’ and ‘inclusion,’ school officials have exalted Islam as the state-sponsored religion. Teachers and parents are outraged, and they should be,” Executive Director of FCDF Daniel Piedra said.

Parents must fight back against the Islamic indoctrination in the public school system.

Terror-tied CAIR was recently thrown out of the public school system in San Diego, California after outraged parents refused to back down and sued them into oblivion.

The post School District in Washington State Caught Giving Muslim Students “Special Privileges” and Teaching Lessons on Ramadan appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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