
So Much for it Being About Female Empowerment: Jim Carrey Wishes Pro-Life Alabama Governor Kay Ivey Had Been Aborted

- Mei 19, 2019

[SCREENSHOT FROM TEAM COCO, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxMC7g_sKjw]


What happens to so many film and television actors where politics are concerned?

I have to believe it’s this: They get consumed by Hollywood. Literally. Above them, below them, and all around, they’re surrounded by the Tinseltown Bubble.

At some point, they lose sight of a substantial fact: America is a place of diverse thought.

Conservatives aren’t Big Foot — they’re not just mythical creatures living in the woods; they’re the faces staring back from the audience. They’re the people on the sidewalk. They’re even artisans and technicians on the set. Yet more than a few folks on the silver screen seem unaware.

It’s just a theory, and I may be wrong, but it’s the only thing that makes sense to me: Many stars simply cease to understand that conservatives are actual people filling the world in which they exist and thrive.

Why else would someone whose livelihood depends on the American audience so loudly insult half the people in it?

Does Jim Carrey, for example, believe that virtually all people are pro-choice? Does he think such of his fanbase? Is he certain the vast majority of women are pro-abortion?

It’d be interesting to know the answers. Perhaps they’d explain why the actor tweeted (and painted) the following Saturday:

His comment, of course, referenced an occurrence from Wednesday: Governor Kay Ivey signed the strictest abortion legislation in the country. According to Alabama’s new law, a doctor performing an abortion may be charged with a Class C felony, the conviction of which carries 10 to 99 years in prison.

After the signing, Kay had this to say:

“Today, I signed into law the Alabama Human Life Protection Act, a bill that was approved by overwhelming majorities in both chambers of the Legislature. To the bill’s many supporters, this legislation stands as a powerful testament to Alabamians’ deeply held belief that every life is precious and that every life is a sacred gift from God.”

Back to Jim: His post certainly elicited a negative response:

Some offered their prayers:

At least one user wanted to call Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey ‘s attention to the tweet:

User Caleb Webb saw the irony:

Caleb is correct: The Left is fighting for “women’s rights.” How can aborting a woman — or a baby, who’s statistically more likely to be female — champion women?

As for the tweet itself, what does Jim hope to accomplish with his tweet? Does he believe it’ll curry favor? Does he attribute its negative reviews to incidental outliers?

It’s no surprise that Hollywood contains left-wingers — people all over the country are left-wing, and everyone should think what they want. The perplexing paradigm is that the audience knows there are Democrats in Hollywood, but Hollywood doesn’t seem to know there are Republicans in the audience.

The crowd, as I understand it, is the only point of performing. Yelling into the ether that which will cause the assembly to recoil strikes me as perilous to both commerce and art.

Maybe they know what they’re doing, and they just don’t care.

Whatever the case, it’d be nice to see Hollywood return to that first and greatest rule of public speaking: “Know your audience.”

And that audience, despite what some may believe, is full of diverse thought. It’s a great crowd, it’s a charged congregation. It’s an eager audience comprised of both conservatives and liberals, ready to be riveted. And its name is America.



See 3 more pieces from me:

Hollywood Actor Calls The GOP — And YOU — ‘The KKK’

Sick Of Hollywood: Following So Much Left-Wing Activism, Golden Globes Ratings Are Worst In A Decade

WATCH: Soldiers, Vets, 1st Responders, & Hollywood Pay Moving Tribute To Great American Gary Sinise

Find all my RedState work here.

And please follow Alex Parker on Twitter and Facebook.

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