
WATCH: Democrat Witnesses at House Hearing Admit Subpoena Nadler Issued Barr Requires AG to Violate the Law

- Mei 16, 2019

Congressman Armstrong (R-ND)

Republican Congressman Kelly Armstrong got Democrat witnesses at a House Judiciary hearing to admit that Nadler was forcing AG Bill Barr to violate the law with his subpoena and contempt threat.

Democrat witnesses at the House Judiciary Committee hearing testified that the subpoena issued to Bill Barr required the Attorney General to violate the law in order to comply.


Last Wednesday President Trump asserted executive privilege over the full, unredacted version of Mueller’s report and the House Dems voted to hold AG Barr in contempt of Congress for refusing to give Congress the full report and underlying grand jury material.

Nadler and the Dems voted to hold Barr in contempt for following the law.

The Dem-controlled Judiciary Committee chaired by Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), held a vote last Wednesday morning and voted on party lines — 22 Dems to 12 Republicans.

The measure will then move to the full House for a vote later this month.

The DOJ immediately hit back and argued that AG Barr made “extraordinary efforts to provide Congress” with information related to Mueller’s report, however the attorney general was not going to break the law.

“The Attorney General could not comply with the House Judiciary Committee’s subpoena without violating the law, court rules, and court orders, and without threatening the independence of the Department’s prosecutorial functions,” DOJ spox Kerri Kupic said last week.

Nadler previously gave the Justice Department a deadline to comply with the committee’s offer, which included allowing more members of Congress to look at a less-redacted version of Mueller’s report. Nadler also wanted Barr to seek a court order to grant lawmakers the right to view the underlying grand jury material — Barr complied with the law and blocked the grand jury material from the public and Congress to protect innocent people who have not been indicted.

Under special counsel rules, Attorney General Bill Barr didn’t even need to release Mueller’s report to the public or to Congress. The unredacted version of the report is in a SCIF [Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility] for certain lawmakers to view, however, only a handful of Republican lawmakers have actually viewed the less-redacted version of the report.

Jerry Nadler should be thrown off the House Judiciary Committee for giving Barr the ultimatum to either break the law or be held in contempt.

The post WATCH: Democrat Witnesses at House Hearing Admit Subpoena Nadler Issued Barr Requires AG to Violate the Law appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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