Kevin McCarthy
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) fired back at Speaker Pelosi and Pencil Neck Schiff on Thursday during a press conference over their selective outrage over Trump’s comments about getting dirt from a foreign country.
The media exploded over President Trump’s interview with liberal George Stephanopoulos from ABC News. Trump told George during their interview that if he was given opposition research from another country he might use it and might tell the FBI.
But these same media sycophants are silent over the fact that Crooked Hillary Clinton paid a foreigner, former British spy Christopher Steele, millions of dollars for a phony dossier which was used to smear Donald Trump and obtain spy warrants on his advisor Carter Page during the 2016 election.
It’s okay when Crooked Hillary does it, but Trump speaking in the hypothetical is grounds for impeachment.
Congressman McCarthy stunned liberal reporters on Thursday when he fired back at Pelosi and Schiff and pointed out that it was Crooked Hillary who actually paid a foreigner for dirt during the 2016 election.
“What I am appalled about is what has happened in our election. I watched in the last campaign the Democrat presidential campaign spend $6 million to a foreign entity to travel the world to try to find something when they could not find it, they made false accusations, salacious accusations at that,” McCarthy said. “Drove this country into a special counsel lasting more than 22 months. Using this false information, sending it to the FBI that went and got a FISA court. Then to spy upon Americans and took us through something we should never have to live again.
“I did not hear the Speaker be appalled at that. Or to have a chair of the House Intel Committee [Schiff] think that he’s knowingly speaking on a phone to a foreign entity, to supply some other false allegations. And what action did he take? Those are the things I’m appalled about that actually did happen,” he said.
A liberal reporter tried to defend Crooked Hillary Clinton and McCarthy shot back at her and reminded her once again that it was HILLARY CLINTON and the DNC who paid a foreigner millions of dollars for dirt on her political opponent.
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