
Teenager Tells His Teacher There Are Only 2 Genders. The School Suspends Him for Not Being ‘Inclusive’

- Juni 24, 2019

[Screenshot from FN TechRoom, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MMAeVqR2f4]


In Aberdeenshire, Scotland, a teen told his teacher there are only two genders.

The teacher didn’t agree.

As reported by the Daily Mail, the instructor had told his class that a website which only allowed for two gender options was “old fashioned.”

The 17-year-old spoke up, saying that male and female are the only two, biologically.

For taking a position that was “not inclusive,” he was kicked out of class.

Later, the teacher discussed the issue with the boy privately — and the kid secretly videoed it.

On the recording, the molder of skulls full of mush can be heard telling the teenager his opinions should be relegated to his “own house.”

A friend of the disagreeing dude told the Mail why he recorded the conversation:

“He decided to film the teacher because he wanted to show what was going on in schools today for simply stating there are only two genders. He has nothing against anyone who identifies as LGBTQ, but completely disagrees that there are more than two genders and that it’s a social construct. He believes telling kids that boys are girls and girls are boys is a very dangerous thing and wanted to get his views across to the teacher. His view is that scientifically there are only two genders. This new gender theory that there are unlimited genders is something that should be discussed and debated – not just thrown into a class discussion and if you disagree you get kicked out of the room.”

In the video — which has been seen nearly 100,000 times on YouTube — the teen explains, “‘I think it’s silly to have anything other than two genders, Sir.”

The teacher drops the hammer:

“Could you please keep that opinion to your own house? Not in this school.”

He also points out, “Not every policy is scientific.”

And it’s the pupil’s fault:

“You chose to make an issue of making a point that is contrary to policy.”

As per the Mail, in response to the hubbub, an Aberdeenshire Council spokesperson asserted that the teacher’s right:

[He] said the public sector has a legal duty to show ‘due regard’ to certain “protected characteristics” – including age, sex and “gender reassignment.”

He added: “It is important to understand the context of any video clip taken without a person’s consent. In our schools, fostering good relations among different groups can be a real challenge but our aim is to support a fairer, inclusive environment for all.”

The boy was suspended for three weeks.



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