John Solomon dropped a BOMB on on Robert Mueller the night before the his testimony before the House Judiciary Committee.
Solomon reported on deep state operative Joseph Mifsud who was used by the FBI to set up and spy on George Papadopoulos.
This is HUGE! Mueller described Mifsud as a “Russian operative” in his final report — which was a complete lie. Mifsud was a Western Intelligence operative.
In October 2018 former Trump campaign volunteer George Papadopoulos challenged the Deep State about the actions they took against him and President Trump before and after the 2016 election.
Through a series of tweets, Papadopoulos shared how he was set up by UK operatives before the election. This all relates to the charges that he was eventually charged. Papadopoulos shares that one individual who set him up was Joseph Mifsud, who he now believes was a British agent.
On Tuesday John Solomon in his report reveals that Joseph Mifsud was indeed a Western Intelligence spy.
Robert Mueller likely knew this, lied in his report, and labeled Mifsud a Russian operative.
John Solomon at The Hill:
While most of the political world focused its attention elsewhere, special prosecutor John Durham’s team quietly reached out this summer to a lawyer representing European academic Joseph Mifsud, one of the earliest and most mysterious figures in the now closed Russia-collusion case.
An investigator told Swiss attorney Stephan Roh that Durham’s team wanted to interview Mifsud, or at the very least review a recorded deposition the professor gave in summer 2018 about his role in the drama involving Donald Trump, Russia and the 2016 election.
The contact, confirmed by multiple sources and contemporaneous email, sent an unmistakable message: Durham, the U.S. attorney handpicked by Attorney General William Barr to determine whether the FBI committed abuses during the Russia investigation, is taking a second look at one of the noteworthy figures and the conclusions of former special counsel Robert Mueller’s final report.
The evidence I reviewed suggests Mueller’s handiwork may be exposed for glaring omissions that, when brought to public light, leave key questions unanswered, especially about how the FBI’s unprecedented probe of the Trump campaign started.
Durham is focused on determining whether any government or private figures who came in contact with the Trump campaign in 2016 “were engaged in improper surveillance,” a U.S. official told me when asked about the Mifsud overture.
For those who don’t remember, Mifsud is a Maltese-born academic with a VIP Rolodex who frequented Rome and London for years and engaged at the highest levels of Western diplomatic and intelligence circles.
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