
Comey’s Cyber Spy in the White House Was Hired to Verify Steele Dossier for Buzzfeed Then Landed at CNN

- Juli 26, 2019

Earlier this week a report was released that corrupt and fired former FBI Director James Comey had a spy in the Trump White House. 

We know the spy stole information and shared it with Comey.

We now know that corrupt former FBI Director James Comey had an agent inside the White House reporting back to the FBI about Trump and his aides.  It’s clear that Comey’s spy, Anthony Ferrante, was feeding information that he stole back to Comey.  That is what spies do.  But what is not yet clear is whether Ferrante, who now works for CNN, attempted to frame the President as well, from within the White House.

In March 2019 CNN reported that their cyber expert Anthony Ferrante was used by Buzzfeed as an expert in the lawsuit against them by Aleksej Gubarev. Gubarev denied the allegations published by Buzzfeed from the Trump Russia dossier and Buzzfeed used Ferrante as an expert in their defense.

According to a 2018 report by Zero Hedge Ferrante was hired by Forensic Technologies International (FTI) after he left the White House. Buzzfeed hired Ferrante to investigate the Steele dossier.

At FTI, Ferrante launched what’s now been a months-long stealth effort chasing down documents and conducting interviews on the ground in various countries around the world. His team directed BuzzFeed lawyers to subpoena specific data and testimony from dozens of agencies or companies across the country and assembled a cyber ops war room to analyze that data, according to sources familiar with the work.

Ferrante was hired to find any evidence to support the allegations from the Steele dossier.

It now appears Ferrante did not succeed in his quest to collaborate the junk dossier.
His next logical career change would land him as a contributor on CNN.

The post Comey’s Cyber Spy in the White House Was Hired to Verify Steele Dossier for Buzzfeed Then Landed at CNN appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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