
“He Shouldn’t Have Been There. It’s Sad” – Trump Attorney Rudy Giuliani Discusses Mueller’s Dementia and Deep State’s Abuse (VIDEO)

- Juli 27, 2019

On May 17, 2017 Deputy and Acting Attorney General Rod Rosenstein signed the document to appoint former FBI Chief Robert Mueller as Special Counsel to investigate President Trump on collusion with Russia during the 2016 campaign.

Rosenstein knew there was no collusion but ordered the Special Counsel anyway.

Rosenstein then approved the appointment of controversial far left Democrat Andrew Weissmann to run the Special Counsel.  Rosenstein knew Weissmann would run the operation because he knew Robert Mueller was suffering from severe dementia.

Weissmann then hired all far left Hillary supporting attorneys and went to work.  Weissmann indicted and jailed Trump associates on process crimes.  He refused to investigate the criminal actions of the Obama administration’s spying on candidate Trump.  Weissmann indicted Russian operatives and companies to appear legitimate.  Weissmann harassed Trump officials for two years in the hope that someone would fabricate a story so he could indict Trump.

And the rest is history.

And on Wednesday the country found out Rod Rosenstein and Andrew Weissmann used Robert Mueller in their plot to remove President Trump.


It was very clear from Mueller’s testimony that he is suffering from severe dementia.


Rosenstein and Weissman knew this.

That’s why Mueller was NEVER at the meeting with Trump lawyers.

Rosenstein and Andrew Weissmann knew Robert Mueller was suffering from severe dementia.  They used him anyway to con the American public that their nefarious plot to remove the president was legitimate.

On Saturday Trump Attorney Rudy Giuliani joined Judge Jeanine Pirro to discuss Mueller’s testimony before Congress.

Rudy was obviously outraged with Mueller’s mental state and the Deep State using this man as a front for their investigation.

Judge Jeanine: He knew what the mandate was.

Rudy Giuliani: I’m not sure Mueller did. I’m not sure how much he knows.

Judge Jeanine: He was the shill. He was the beard. The picked him because he couldn’t understand it.

Rudy Giuliani: When you look at him. And I don’t want to overstate this. But doesn’t a responsible person come to the conclusion he shouldn’t be in charge of something serious. It is sad… He shouldn’t have been there. He should of at least had enough self control to say I can’t do this anymore.

Judge Jeanine: Right!

Rudy Giuliani: But how about the characters around him? Why didn’t they ever come forward and say, “Bob, you’re not up to this.”

Judge Jeanine: Well, they wanted him there.

Rudy Giuliani: They were the inmates running the asylum.

Via Justice with Judge Jeanine:

The post “He Shouldn’t Have Been There. It’s Sad” – Trump Attorney Rudy Giuliani Discusses Mueller’s Dementia and Deep State’s Abuse (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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