In this Saturday, May 13, 2017 photo, Lil Miss Hot Mess poses for a photo with a child after reading to a group of children during the Feminist Press’ presentation of Drag Queen Story Hour! at the Park Slope Branch of the Brooklyn Public Library, in New York. “Drag queens and children don’t usually get together, which I think is a shame and one of the benefits of a program like this,” Lil Miss Hot Mess said. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)
You were told you were a bigot when you raised objections to the increasingly popular “Drag Queen Story Hour” popping up in various libraries throughout the United States. You were told you didn’t have anything to worry about and you were just paranoid because drag queens were just different and you’re not used to different.
Recently released photos from one “Drag Queen Story Hour” at St. John’s Library in Portland Oregon has proven a lot of people’s fears correct as photos have now come out showing children laying on a drag queen named Carla Rossi.
According to LifeSite, the library hosted the event and posted the photos to their Flickr account, but promptly took the photos down once LifeSite reported on the story:
Photo evidence of children having inappropriate contact with drag queen Carla Rossi at Portland, Oregon’s St. John’s Library last October has been brought to the attention of LifeSiteNews. The photos are posted on the Multnomah County Library’s own Flickr account (Note: photos have been removed after LifeSiteNews published this report.
Regardless of their attempts to erase what they did, the internet is forever. I posted them to Twitter where they will now reside until Twitter decides to take action against me.
And another… pic.twitter.com/zL3DleyJEM
— Brandon Morse (@TheBrandonMorse) July 3, 2019
…and another. pic.twitter.com/aysTXt96OE
— Brandon Morse (@TheBrandonMorse) July 3, 2019
How this is okay, I’m not sure. If a man put on a dress and wig and asked children to lay on him, police would immediately be investigating him. However, this story doesn’t seem to be getting any traction anywhere except right-leaning sites.
This isn’t the first mention of a drag queen story hour becoming oddly sexual. Recently, a drag queen was seen doing a dance in front of children that involved a measure of stripping to a song that ended in profanity in front of children. At this location, a mother who had come to see the show was forcibly removed by police then threatened by members of Antifa for attempting to expose what was going on there.
This has gone beyond teaching tolerance, and has delved into full blown child sexualization.
The post Photos Show Children Laying On Top of a Drag Queen at a Portland Library’s Drag Queen Story Hour appeared first on RedState.