Ranking Member Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, asks questions to Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump’s former personal lawyer, during a hearing of the House Oversight and Reform Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, Feb. 27, 2019. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
On Wednesday, the House Committee on Oversight and Reform held a hearing on Obamacare. Specifically, the committee wanted to discuss what they called the Trump administration’s “attacks” on the ACA:
The purpose of the hearing is to examine the Administration’s decision to reverse its position in Texas v. United States and assert that the entire health care law should be struck down, as well as the impact this reversal could have on millions of Americans—including those with pre-existing conditions—and the United States health care system.
Ranking member Jim Jordan (R-OH) didn’t mince words in an opening statement that questioned how Obamacare could be “undermined” if it had already failed. He also talked about what he called the “Nine lies of Obamacare.”
After asserting that the committee was not interested in working towards bipartisan healthcare solutions that would “make the lives of everyday Americans better”, Jordan said the goal of the hearing was to score “political points” against the Trump administration.
“The Majority’s title for today’s hearing is ‘Trump’s Efforts to Undermine the ACA’,” Jordan said, reading off the agenda in front of him. “Undermine the ACA? Think about what we were told when this bill passed now, what, 9 years ago? I call them the nine lies of Obamacare”:
1 – “If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. Y’all remember that one?”
2 – “How about the one if you like your plan you can keep your plan?”
3 – “We were told by the President of the United States premiums were gonna go down.”
4 – “He then got more specific: Premiums will go down on average $1,500.”
5 – “He said deductibles would decline.”
6 – “This was in the fall of 2013, remember this one? They told us the website was gonna work.”
7 – “They told us the website was secure. Your information would be secure there.”
8 – “They told us that these [Obamacare] co-ops were wonderful, end-all, be-all creations. Twenty-three were created. Guess how many are still in existence? Four. The other nineteen went bankrupt.”
9 – “First they told us [the individual mandate penalty] it’s not a tax, then they went to court and said it is a tax. Now they’re saying no it’s not really a tax at all ’cause you can’t tax them now ’cause the individual mandate’s gone. There’s no penalty.”Nine different lies we were told about Obamacare and the hearing is titled ‘Trump’s Efforts to Undermine the ACA.’ How can you undermine something that’s already failed?”
Watch Rep. Jordan’s opening remarks about Obamacare below:
Matt Margolis at PJ Media has a good explainer giving some background on each of the lies Jordan talked about. Make sure to check it out.
— Based in North Carolina, Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 15+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter. –
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