The sensational case surrounding billionaire financier Jeffrey Epstein hasn’t just stopped at Epstein. People are turning it into a political fight due to Epstein’s habit of being connected to big political names such as Bill Clinton and Donald Trump.
As people in our society will do, when they want to learn who somebody is they’ll hit up America’s number one source of information, Wikipedia. The site is open sourced, meaning anyone can come in and make changes to a page. This can be used to update references, correct information, or in some cases, rewrite history for malicious reasons.
You can bet your Britannica that some were only too happy to rewrite Epstein’s history to make it seem like he was more of a figure among Republicans than Democrats.
Upon clicking on Epstein’s bio, you’ll be treated to various facts about his life, such as the fact that he was good friends with Clinton, as well as disgraced actor and sexual assaulter Kevin Spacey. In fact, it details that Clinton had been on Epstein’s private plane 26 times.
Or at least that’s what you would have seen if you had pulled up Epstein’s page at around 8:30 this morning. According to some eagle eyed Twitter users, the page was edited sometime between then and 10:30 this morning with the connections to Clinton and Spacey now completely gone.
Twitter user Desiree Mills posted the screenshots to Twitter, as you can see below.
Seems Wikipedia has altered Epstein’s bio already. First screenshot of Epstein’s bio was at 8:27 a.m. The 2nd was at 10:30 a.m. omitting Bill Clinton & Spacy yet leaving Trump! That is frightening. Same exact bio of Epstein, different times.
— Desiree Mills (Dez) (@Blondiedez) July 7, 2019
It’s unclear who is editing the page, but it should be noted that anyone can do so with the right login. Some pages on Wikipedia are locked and unable to be altered by the public, sometimes for this very reason. However, if the page suddenly does become locked with the information subtracted from Epstein’s page, we’ll know that it wasn’t just randoms on the internet looking to separate Democrats from something Democrats have recently been known to do, and that’s involve children in sex.
That said, it’d be a real shame if you spread this article around and ruined their efforts to stop people from connecting Democrats to Epstein.
Regardless of their attempts at rewriting history, the connection between Epstein and Democrats is pretty established at this point. People are going to want answers as to who Epstein was connected to, and I can imagine there will be more sleuthing into who else may be engaging in sexual acts with children.
Earlier today, a raid on Epstein’s home by Federal authorities produced a number of nude photographs of underage girls. How he got them and who he shared them with will definitely lead to more arrests. The question is now who will be included in the investigations.
For further speculation on that, I advise that you read my colleague Jennifer Van Lar’s piece on this.
The post Users On Wikipedia are Trying to Quietly Edit Out Democratic Connections In Epstein’s Bio appeared first on RedState.