
Feminist Writer Fights the White Power by Castigating a Gentleman’s Kindness. Twitter Rains Down Like an Ugly Boss

- Agustus 06, 2019



At some point early on — so goes the word on the street — feminism was about women’s inner strength and equal opportunity.

Somehow, that’s been traded in for entirely different things.

Such certainly seems the case for Caroline Rothstein, writer for BuzzFeed, Marie Claire, and Cosmo.

On a recent flight, feminist Caroline was triggered by a terrible thing: a gentleman.

To the author’s horror, someone bigger and stronger than she offered to perform more easily the chore of taking down her luggage from the overhead compartment.

But it gets worse: The guy offering to help her was…hold on — let me make sure no one’s coming…look left, look right…okay…try to not make any loud noises…but the guy trying to be considerate was…white.

Yes — it was that bad:

He was one of them middle-aged whiteys.


Oddly, Caroline is white, too.

But just ’cause you are one doesn’t mean you have to like ’em. Woke up, cracker devils.

Still, some Twitter users gave her mucho grief:

Tipping Point’s Liz Wheeler got in on the action:

So did RedWhiteAndFYou’s outspoken Mindy Robinson:

Buzzword Studios pointed out the whole pot & kettle part of the situation:

Here’s a really good one:

Well, following the fallout, something incredible happened. Caroline, essentially, printed a retraction:

Nicely done. Honestly, it was really good.

But what a wacko time in which we’re living, when someone’s attempted assistance can be met with anything other than gratitude. And what a ridiculous place we’ve reached, where a white person thinks they’re hipper by fighting the power of other people’s whiteness. And my, some modern feminists, what a big sexism you have. “The better to be a goofball with, my dear.”

If you’re impressed with Caroline’s mea culpea — as am I — follow her on Twitter and not only learn about feminism, but other things, too:



See 3 more pieces from me:

Jordan Peterson Encourages Women To Experience The ‘Adventure’ Of Motherhood As Feminism Becomes A Male Chauvinist Pig

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Find all my RedState work here.

And please follow Alex Parker on Twitter and Facebook.

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The post Feminist Writer Fights the White Power by Castigating a Gentleman’s Kindness. Twitter Rains Down Like an Ugly Boss appeared first on RedState.


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