This world has some problems.
In Ohio, a teenager was arrested Wednesday for making several threats against law enforcement.
18-year-old Justin Olsen — who used the handle ArmyOfChrist in the chat room iFunny — posted his support for mass shootings and Planned Parenthood terrorism. That got the attention of the FBI, as such things are inclined to do.
Also not helping: his June entry which offered, “in conclusion, shoot every federal agent on [sight].”
That comment was in reference to the Waco fiasco of 1993. As for the 1995 Oklahoma bombing, Justin had this to say:
“[S]hows that armed resistance is a viable method of political change.”
According to the Tribune Journal, the youngster wrote that he “‘could not wait to start stockpiling weapons.'”
Upon his arrest, law enforcement discovered…get ready for this…13,000 rounds of ammo.
Additional goodies: 15 rifles, approximately 10 semiautomatic handguns, a machete, and camo gear.
As stated by the FBI, Justin ‘fessed up to ominous online behavior.
He’s now resting his head at the Mahoning County Jail, charged with inducing panic and aggravated menacing threats against an officer.
Under the name "ArmyOfChrist," Olsen allegedly used the Waco, Texas siege of the Branch Davidians by federal authorities as a reason to "shoot every federal agent on sight."
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) August 14, 2019
Good grief.
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